Special Interest Groups

The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) is made up of hobbyists who dream, design, build, and fly model aircraft of all sizes for fun and competition. We do this because we enjoy the company of fellow enthusiasts, we love flight, and we want to see participation in our hobby grow. But we couldn’t do what we do without the help of our community.

We are fortunate enough to receive help from our Special Interest Groups (SIGs), who help to promote our favorite hobby through educational outreach.

However, these groups aren’t extensions of AMA; they are their own unique and important organizations. We would like to celebrate these groups by sharing information on their goals and how they educate their own audiences.

Below we have included an index of our SIGs. By clicking on their names or scrolling further down the page, you can find more information and links to their websites and socials.

Special Interest Groups

International Miniature Aerobatic Club (IMAC)

The International Miniature Aerobatic Club (IMAC) is an organization dedicated to competitive sport of radio controlled Scale Aerobatic competition. Originally started as a Special Interest Group under the US modeling organization, AMA, the International Miniature Aerobatic Club (IMAC) has grown to represent and organize scale aerobatic competition on a global level.  IMAC is a non-profit organization focusing on pilot education and maintenance of rules and guidelines governing the sport. Pil ots interested in scale aerobatic competition are encouraged to join and support the organization’s mission.

Scale aerobatics is aerobatic operation of a radio controlled scale model of full-sized aerobatic competition plane. While other disciplines within the radio control community fly aerobatics, the requirement for scale aerobatic is that the model be replicas of types known to have competed in International Aerobatic Club (IAC) competition. A wide choice of competitive planes are available to today’s model in both kit and ready-to-fly versions. 


  • Groups of pilots come together to fly and compete in organized events operated under established rules. Pilots fly a “sequence” of pre-established maneuvers in front of judges.  Starting with a perfect score of 10 for each maneuver, judges will deduct for deviations or errors. Sequences generally consist of 8 – 10 maneuvers.
  • As with full-scale competition, pilots are separated into classes with each class getting progressively more challenging.  Each class has a “known” sequence published every year that is flown at every event held during that calendar year. In the higher classes, a sequence is presented to the pilot at the event that they have not seen before (called an “unknown”). 
  • Scoring is based by “round” which consists of all pilots in a class flying their sequence in front of the same judges.  The pilots are then ranked within that round.  The judges are changed and the pilots fly their sequences again.  By rule, the pilot’s lowest round(s) may be dropped.  In the end, the pilot in a class with the highest score wins the event.

There are five main classes:

  • Basic – Entry level class with basic aerobatic maneuvers.  Pilots in this class may fly ANY plane of any size which does NOT have to be a scale model of a competition plane.  This class flies only a KNOWN sequence.
  • Sportsman – Maneuvers get just a little more challenging and pilots are now required to use scale model aircraft.  In this class, unknowns are introduced. 
  • Intermediate – Maneuvers increase in difficulty as slightly more complex figures are introduced.  Unknowns become more challenging.
  • Advanced – In this class, the pilot should be able to fly most any figure presented.  The difficulty here is that sequences get more challenging as more complex figures are added together.
  • Unlimited – exactly what it sounds like….no limits!  Pilots in this class are presented with the most challenging sequences and complex unknowns.  A true test of pilot and machine that requires experience and skill developed over time.

In addition to the main competition classes, there are two other classes that may be offered at an event:

  • Free Style – spectator sport extraordinaire!  Aerobatic flying set to music!  No predefined figures as anything goes in this class!  Pilots are judged on originality, musicality, and general piloting skills.  Free Style is not offered at all events but is the most popular part of an event for the non-flying crowd.  Free Style competition is open to pilots of ANY class but the pilot must also compete in a main class.
  • Seniors – Best pilot over 55 as judged across all classes (excluding Basic).

Most events are weekend affairs starting on Saturday morning and running until Sunday afternoon.  There are many “special” events such as judging schools, introductory events (for Basic only!), as well as regional/national championships.  Events are scheduled many months in advanced and upcoming events may be found on the event calendar in each IMAC region’s main page.

In the US and Canada, there are 6 regions – Northeast, Southeast, North Central, South Central, Northwest, and Southwest Outside the US/Canada, each country maintains its own regional structure.  You can find what region you live in by starting with the geographical area in which you live and looking under Regions on this website.

Getting started is pretty easy!  If you are reading this, you are halfway there already!  We can assume that you are tired of flying in circles, practicing your landings, etc. and looking for a new R/C challenge…and you are in luck!

*Organization summary provided by IMAC.

International Radio Controlled Helicopter Association (IRCHA)

IRCHA was created in 1989 by founder Don Chapman as the representative body for helicopter pilots.

The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) recognizes one organization as the Special Interest Group for each particular segment of the hobby. IRCHA is the Special Interest Group (SIG) for the Radio Controlled Helicopter segment. IRCHA also organizes an annual event called the IRCHA Jamboree.

Also, we’re very welcoming of newcomers!

*Organization summary and logo pulled from organization’s site.

Jet Pilots’ Organization (JPO)

Jet Pilot's Organization (JPO) Logo

The Jet Pilots Organization (JPO) was founded in 1989 to promote and advance jet modeling technology, and the safe recreation and general fellowship of this fast-growing segment of our hobby. We are the Special Interest Group (SIG) officially representing USA jet modelers to the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA). The primary purpose of the JPO is to promote and protect the hobby of radio controlled jet modeling.

  • The JPO is the collective jet pilot’s pipeline to the AMA.
  • The JPO is a body of experts and expertise. We wish to pass on that wealth of information and experience to the community to help ensure that jet flying is all the more successful, safe, and enjoyable.
  • The JPO is the main advocate for fair and responsible rules concerning turbine operation and helps flyers to become familiar with the operation of jet turbine engines and to successfully obtain their AMA turbine waivers.

*Organization summary provided by JPO.

League of Silent Flight (LSF)

A slim, graceful, long-winged craft arcs upward smoothly and steeply into the summer sky, accompanied by the faint whistle of air accelerating past its gleaming surfaces. All eyes are on the machine as it dwindles with each passing second, a surging aerial trout playing out yards of taut singing line. A tiny parachute blossoms gently and returns the shining nylon filament to earth. Someone hurries to pluck the blossom before it touches the ground and soon other sailplanes are on their way in a quest to find lift. Flying a pure sailplane requires a modicum of learned skill as having it gain altitude in the heat of a thermal is an art.

Along comes technology. Perhaps some of those sailplanes, accompanied by the quiet whirr of an electrically driven propeller, will leave the launchers hand bound for a predetermined altitude, at which time the motor will stop and the propeller will fold snugly against the fuselage, and where the pilots to will join the hunt for elusive lift.

After the launch, little sound or movement is evident among the small group of pilots who’s gazes pierce the sky. Yet there is tension amongst them and knees tremble in anticipation, all are alert for the subtle lift of a wing that signals a bubble of warm, rising air. Now, a turn begins, and then a tightening of the turn and a sweep into the lift, the pilot curves his obedient ship upward, betraying his or her satisfaction by just a smile or noticeable relaxation. Minutes, or perhaps hours later, the sailplane reappears at a lower altitude and is electronically grooved to a perfect landing on the grass at the feet of its once-remote master. Such a scene is repeated thousands of times during the soaring season all over the world by men and woman of all ages and talents.

A call is given by the pilot, “Lads…mount up…I have crossed the starting line and heading on course!”. The team of driver, observer, and pilot scramble into the back of a pickup or convertible and head out onto the cross country course. The variometer, plugged into the car radio or pilot headset, is wailing with the telemetry data sent back from the sailplane…telling the pilot to climb, climb until you cant see the tail anymore, and only the wings. Higher the sailplane goes, 300, 400, 600, 800 meters until it is a speck. The pilot is telling the driver to pick up speed, “Up 5 they say, then up 10, then down 5”. They are out on the course chasing the glider, trying to get 10 kilometers down the road to the turn point. A command of stop the car is given periodically as the pilot getting low on altitude tries to find another thermal to take him higher, and higher, and hopefully back to the starting point. This is wind in your hair, sun in your face, and a challenge for all to take, a challenge they call cross country.

Another call is given in a different part of the earth. Here the wind is fierce and so is the pilot and his skills. The sailplane rises gently out of the hand and accelerates flying away from the mountain. A turn is given and the dance begins. Circles become smaller and the speed is increasing. A helper with a radar gun yells over the wind, “480mph, 490 mph, 497mph”. A record is set, and all on the side of the mountain know and out on the groups…yes this is dynamic soaring at its best!

Now ask yourself…who are these people? What are they doing and why?

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen…to the League of Silent Flight!

*Organization summary and logo pulled from organization’s site.

Miniature Aircraft Combat Association (MACA)

Miniature Aircraft Combat Association (MACA) Logo

The Miniature Aircraft Combat Association is the recognized special interest group for Control-Line Combat. The organization exists to promote the sport of Control-Line Combat in all of its forms, by dissemination of information through their newsletter, website, and through its affiliation with the Academy of Model Aeronautics, the National Aeronautic Association, and the Federation Aeronautique Internationale.

*Organization summary provided by MACA.

Model Engine Collectors Association (MECA)

Model Engine Collectors Association (MECA) Logo

MECA is a world-wide organization that seeks to promote the interest of miniature (i.e., model) engine collecting as a recreational, educational, and historical hobby.  Our interests span not only powerplants related to model aircraft, but also tether cars and model boats as well.  We cover engines of all nations, and varied types including glow, spark, and diesel ignition; jets (e.g., pulse, Jetex, etc.), and compressed gas.  

With a world-wide membership, MECA offers an authoritative resource for engine history, information, sales, and services.  MECA publishes a bi-monthly (6-issues per year) combined Bulletin and Swap Sheet. This magazine is typically 28 to 32 pages long, and can be received either by traditional paper/mail format or by a reduced-cost digital membership.  You get to choose the preferred method! 

The Bulletin section contains multiple articles per issue on engine related topics both historical and current production, technical tips, photos, construction details, drawings, and information on upcoming events.  Articles are exclusive to MECA and do not appear elsewhere.  The only way to access the information is via MECA membership.  The Swap Sheet section provides a venue for members to buy, sell, or trade engines, accessories, airplane kits, plans, magazines, and related items. 

Additionally, on a regular basis, MECA conducts regional gatherings called “Collectos”.  These are events where members gather to buy, sell, and trade engines; and share related information and ideas.  The MECA Collectos are widely anticipated not only for the opportunity to obtain a new treasure for the collection or an elusive part to restore an engine, but also for the social and educational aspects as well.  Collectos are fun! 

MECA publications and membership further provides these exclusive benefits:

  • The ability to post “Want” ads in the Swap Sheet, not just “For Sale” ads.  You can advertise for things you are specifically seeking.  Each member is permitted one free ad per issue.
  • Fifteen (15) day return policy on mail deals between members. 
  • No auction site or payment fees.  Deals are private between members.  Person-to-person.
  • Many of our most experienced members do not trade on the internet. Access to them is only through MECA membership, and they have the “Good Stuff”!
  • Assistance to estate heirs in selling MECA members’ engines.  This is a helpful resource in valuing and correctly identifying engines in a collection.
  • A resource for finding missing engine parts, and a means to locate repair/restoration services. 
  • Full 12-month membership from date of application. 
  • Privileged access to “inside” information from enthusiasts who have long been involved with the hobby.  These men and women can advise you from years of experience! 
  • Indices for past articles in the MECA Bulletin to facilitate research and enjoyment.  Selected historical model engine related videos/DVDs.  Access to other select engine publications and materials in the MECA “library”. 
  • MECA is a long recognized authoritative source for engine history and information.  We are run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts.  MECA provides the world’s last print publication devoted to miniature/model engines and related interests! 

*Organization summary provided by MECA.

Multi-GP Drone Racing League

Multi-GP Drone Racing League Logo

MultiGP Drone Racing League is a grass roots racing league that has grown to represent over 30,000 drone racers worldwide. We help build up local chapters to provide a local, safe, and enjoyable drone environment where pilots can hone their abilities in hopes of qualifying for our Championship Series. Our goal is to provide the opportunity for everyone to become a drone racing pilot!

MultiGP provides many programs to promote this goal starting with the Drones in School program for K-12. Drones in School is a one of a kind opportunity for students to experience the excitement of being on an actual racing team while also applying their classroom learning to real life. This education is then continued with our partnership with the Collegiate Drone Racing Association. These STEM programs are age specific, but our signature MultiGP racing events are open to any age.

Our three main events of the year are the 12-hour Mayhem Team Race, the weeklong International Open, and the Global Championship which is our season finale. These events are marque and extremely special for the attendees, but every week around the globe you can find a local race near you to see what drone racing life is like at multigp.com.

*Organization summary and logo provided by MultiGP Drone Racing League.

National Association of Scale Aeromodelers (NASA)

National Association of Scale Aeromodelers (NASA) Logo

We are the official AMA SIG (Special Interest Group of the Academy of Model Aeronautics) pertaining to scale aeromodeling, supporting and helping scale modelers nationally and internationally.

NASA’s responsibilities:  

  • Managing and conducting the AMA National (NATS) Scale contest.
  • Overseeing, and coordinating with AMA, the FAI Scale Team for control line and radio control including team selection and international attendance.
  • Work with the AMA and FAI to help propose, define, and re-work the entire scope of rules/ regulations for scale competition.

Philosophy: To encourage, promote and advance all phases of scale aeromodelling, regardless of size, power or mode of control.


  • Encourage the formation of scale clubs.
  • Encourage flying scale competition at all levels.
  • Encourage the training of scale judges for competition.
  • Encourage the sharing of scale data, photos, and drawings.
  • Maintain good relations with media and Academy of Model Aeronautics to further enhance the image of scale aeromodelling.


  • The Contest Grant Program: To encourage scale contests, NASA provides financial support to help clubs offset cost associated with holding a scale contest.
  • Bob Lirette Flight Achievement Award: An award for the subject which best duplicates prototypical flight as determined by the flight judges.
  • Scale Resources and newsletter.

*Organization summary provided by NASA.

National Control Line Racing Association (NCLRA)

National Control Line Racing Association (NCLRA) Logo

The National Control Line Racing Association, formed in 1993, exists in support of control line (CL) racing. The president of NCLRA, Bill Bischoff, believes that the NCLRA should exist to promote participation in CL racing events, especially at the local and casually competitive level. ” [This is] not to imply that more serious competitors [are] less important or less worthy of NCLRA’s support,” says Bischoff, “but simply that those competitors who are newer to racing will probably get the most benefit from what we can offer them.”

The NCLRA bi-monthly newsletter, Torque Roll, offers all sorts of information on equipment, building, and flying. It also features articles that cover all sorts of topics, such as tank building, engine prep and operation, and aircraft construction and finishing. Torque Roll also provides readers with contest results, lists of vendors and suppliers, and even aircraft plans on occasion.

Additionally, the NCLRA offers additional plans available in PDF form, as well as archived “how-to” articles on the organization’s website.

Membership for the NCLRA is free. Racers can take pride in being NCLRA members and being able to participate in the organization’s voting process.

The NCLRA also has the responsibility of running events at the National Aeromodeling Championship (NATs). Bischoff reports that NATs racing has been running smoothly over the years. He appreciates that the NCLRA is able to be a part of NATs: “One of the nicest things for me about the NATS is meeting people with whom I have corresponded, but not met in person. It feels like new friends instantly becoming old friends.”

*Organization summary provided by NCLRA.

National Free Flight Society (NFFS)

National Free Flight Society (NFFS) Logo

The National Free Flight Society (NFFS) was formed in 1966 to advance the science and industry of flight by promoting aeronautical engineering research through experimentation with model aviation. NFFS is organized and shall operate exclusively as a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to preserve, enhance and promote the interest in the sport and hobby of Free Flight model aircraft in all its forms. NFFS develops and promotes the educational, sporting and recreation aspects of Free Flight model aviation through participation in community and educational organizations, as it can be of benefit to other members of the community, the younger generation in particular.

NFFS offers the following programs:

  • Scholarship Programs for graduating High School Seniors
  • Maintain the Free Flight Hall of Fame
  • Maintain a website with Event Calendar, technical articles and other pertinent information
  • Deliver Build & Fly program for Aerospace Engineering programs at the university level
  • National Event Sponsor for Science Olympiad
  • Sponsor US Indoor & Outdoor championship and National Cup competitions
  • Support both Indoor & Outdoor World Championship programs
  • Publish a bi-monthly Magazine for our members
  • Publish and annual Symposium of technical articles on the state-of-the-art and current Free Flight Development
  • Maintain an active social media presence

*Organization summary provided by NFFS.

National Miniature Pylon Racing Association (NMPRA)

National Miniature Pylon Racing Association (NMPRA) Logo

The philosophy of the National Miniature Pylon Racing Association (N.M.P.R.A) is to promote the general interests and welfare of all persons engaged in the construction and flying of radio-controlled model racing airplanes. The N.M.P.R.A works closely with the AMA foundation to support the AMA scholarship program.  Our members are encouraged to support local programs to help inspire and foster a passion for model aviation.  

Several pillars of the model aviation community have deep roots in the pylon racing community, and this helped shape the model aviation industry.  Individuals that fueled their passion for aviation at a young age and have found a passion in their working life all grown from the love of model airplanes.  The N.M.P.R.A is a family.  An extended family of sorts, spread across the US that gather on weekends throughout the year to share stories and compete against their peers.

Goals of the organization:

  • To provide for the exchange of worthwhile ideas in regard to the construction and flying of radio-controlled model racing aircraft.
  • To provide contests, with all special or local enterprises of the N.M.P.R.A., conforming to the policies of the Academy of Model Aeronautics.
  • To maintain standards of operation and safety procedure which will ensure the continuance of radio-controlled model racing and educate enthusiasts to carry on the hobby/sport in safe manner.
  • To promote model aviation through competition and provide gatherings for like-minded individuals.

*Organization summary provided by NMPRA.

National Society of Radio Controlled Aerobatics (NSRCA)

National Society of Radio Controlled Aerobatics (NSRCA) Logo

The National Society of Radio Controlled Aerobatics (NSRCA) is the Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA). The NSRCA’s mission is to encourage and promote Precision Aerobatics throughout the world. The NSRCA assists the AMA in hosting the National Aeromodeling Championship (Nats) annually. This contest is generally held at the International Aeromodeling Center in Muncie, IN. In addition to the Nats, Pattern pilots compete in numerous regional and local contests.

Precision Aerobatics is often referred to as Pattern. The reason for this is the pilot will fly a certain pattern or sequence of maneuvers. The pilot will be judged on the smoothness, gracefulness, precision, and presentation of each maneuver. There are 5 AMA Pattern classes and one FAI class. The AMA classes are Club, Sportsman, Intermediate, Advanced and Masters. The FAI class is identified as the FAI class. The Club class is generally flown during Pattern training events as a way to introduce new pilots to Pattern. The other 5 classes are generally flown at all local, regional and national events. Each class has between 17 and 19 maneuvers to be evaluated by the judges at the contest.

Pattern pilots practice maneuvers in a certain class before attending a contest. Pilots register at the start of the contest and declare in which class they intend to compete. Each contest consists of up to 6 rounds of flying for each class. The pilots are evaluated with a score of 0 – 10 for each maneuver. The pilot with the highest overall score in each class is the winner.

The philosophy and goal of Pattern flying is to make pilots become better at piloting skills and controlling their airplane. Instead of flying an airplane around the sky with no particular goal or flight plan, the Pattern pilot is taught to control his aircraft precisely by centering maneuvers, maintaining a flight line parallel to the runway, ensuring all radiuses are identical and roll rates are consistent. This is demanding and addictive!

The NSRCA has a monthly publication available to its members called the K-Factor. The official website of the NSRCA is www.NSRCA.us. The NSRCA offers tutorials for its members on topics such as Airplane trimming, maneuver presentation, aircraft building, preventative maintenance, understanding Pattern rules and regulations and how to host a contest. Various regions of the country will host Pattern primers and judging clinics. The goal of these clinics is to teach pilots how to fly Pattern better and for judges to be better judges.

The NSRCA also has an official Facebook page titled National Society of Radio Controlled Aerobatics. We use the Facebook page to post items of a more urgent nature. The K Factor publication contains information and news of a less urgent nature. The K Factor also contains a calendar of Pattern events which are always open to the public.

In 2023, the NSRCA will be celebrating its 50th year anniversary. The Executive Council of the NSRCA is encouraging Contest Directors hosting Pattern contest to do something a little extra this year to further commemorate this anniversary.

Thank you for your interest in the NSRCA. We stand ready to answer any questions you might have. When you fly, fly safe and fly smooth.

*Organization summary provided by NSRCA.

Navy Carrier Society (NCS)

Navy Carrier Society (NCS) Logo

The Navy Carrier Society (NCS) was formed in 1977 to further the enjoyment of and participation in Control Line Navy Carrier modeling. First flown at the 1950 National Model Airplane Championships, the event was conceived and sponsored by the U.S. Navy.  It became an official AMA event in 1953.  The Navy Carrier event uses models patterned after real-world naval aircraft operating from aircraft carriers.  The models are timed for both high-speed flight and slow flight and must take off and land on a small “flight deck” for the simulated mission to be successful and receive maximum score.  The historical connection to full-scale naval flight operations enhances the interest of many of the participants in the event.

The NCS represents the event to AMA as a Special Interest Group, recognized by the AMA.  The Society organizes and runs the CL Navy Carrier events at the National Model Airplane Championships (NATS), recommends members for appointment to the CL Navy Carrier Contest Board, and serves as a means of communicating the Rule-making activities of the Contest Board to the NCS membership and encouraging the members to participate in the rule-making process of the AMA.  The NCS also maintains a listing of the rules for unofficial CL Navy Carrier events and includes those events at the NATS, sponsoring directly or recruiting sponsors for those unofficial events.

The NCS publishes a periodic newsletter, “High-Low-Landing,” to provide a forum for sharing news, ideas, and technical information among CL Navy Carrier modelers.  Contest reports are published in the newsletter and upcoming contests are listed in the newsletter to provide the membership with a centralized source of contest information.  The NCS also maintains and publishes a national ranking of its members in each of the CL Navy Carrier competition disciplines.

The NCS organizes periodic Postal Contests to provide additional competition opportunities for members, especially those who find it difficult to travel to contests outside their local areas.  With relaxed rules, these events provide increased flying opportunities and allow participants to share models and encourage modelers from other competition disciplines to try Navy Carrier flying in hope of getting them “hooked” on flying CL Navy Carrier.

*Organization summary provided by NCS.

North American Speed Society (NASS)

NASS is the Special Interest Group for Control Line (CL) Speed. Speed is one of the purest forms of competition. It has been around since the second control line model flew. People want to know who is fastest.

Our philosophy is to promote CL Speed Flying in the US. Our goal is to share technical and how to information within the community and to support membership and new members with knowledge and guidance.

NASS supplies standardized fuel to the contest directors across the country. We use four fuels for our many events. All official and record flights at all contests use this fuel.

*Organization summary provided by NASS.

Precision Aerobatics Model Pilots Association (PAMPA)

The Precision Aerobatics Model Pilots Association (PAMPA) is a Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Academy of Model Aeronautics. We are an organization of approximately 600 members in 35 countries, whose common interest is model airplanes, specifically the kind that fly tethered on control lines, and perform STUNTS. The models are often very beautiful, and are carefully constructed from traditional materials like balsa wood, silkspan, and rope. Top models are beautifully finished and extremely light and strong for their size.

The mission of PAMPA is to promote and improve control line precision aerobatics events.

PAMPA membership also includes the organization’s newsletter, “Stunt News,” as well as full access to the PAMPA web site. Professionally edited and published in both paper and online formats, “Stunt News” is the labor of many PAMPA members from around the globe sharing their knowledge, wisdom, and experiences. The PAMPA web site has digital articles available for download, pictures, District/Regional information, scoresheets, rules, and contest/event calendars available for on line viewing.

For information on membership, delivery options, and format available, download the PAMPA Membership Application in Adobe PDF Format.

If you have not already joined, we look forward to having you as a member of PAMPA.

*Organization summary and logo pulled from organization’s site.

R/C Combat Association (RCCA)

R/C Combat Association (RCCA) Logo

The purpose of the R/C Combat Association, and its web site, is to provide information, technical knowledge, and offer model aviation enthusiasts who love the War Planes of World War II and enjoy competition a place to share information, views and discussion with others who have similar interests.

There are many classes of Radio Control Combat. The most popular is the “open” classes where the only limits are engine displacement and weight.  This allows the designer and flier to use as much imagination and technical savvy possible to have the most competitive design.  For those who love model airplanes that look like full-scale aircraft, there are the WWII scale classes, where the aircraft are approximately 1/12th scale and built to represent fighter/attack aircraft that had been designed or in service between 1935 and 1955.

The primary objective of the RCCA is to have fun, in a safe but exciting manner, and to provide competition recommendations to the AMA that are fair, economical, and practical.

Radio Control Combat events are very exciting to watch and even more fun to participate in. Detailed rules, aircraft specifications, and other information on where to find kits, plans, and support materials are available at http://www.rccombat.com.

*Organization summary provided by R/C Combat Association.

Senior Pattern Association (SPA)

Senior Pattern Association (SPA) Logo

The Senior Pattern Association is dedicated to the building, flying and competition of vintage pattern model aircraft. Our goal is to increase participation in the sport of flying vintage pattern model aircraft in pattern competition using the rules and sequences that existed prior to the introduction of “turnaround-style” pattern competition.

According to SPA Bylaws – “The competitive flying of radio control vintage pattern aircraft is intended to be casual, enjoyable, and to renew old friendships. There is no intent to advance the state of the art of the period. The intent is to increase participation in the sport generally, and to establish an equitable and simple framework of rules and regulations for competition purposes.”

SPA furnishes a set of competition riles and pattern sequences with which local clubs can sponsor vintage pattern contests. We have two divisions – East and West with the dividing line being the Mississippi River. Each division has a separate annual Points Championship in all classes – Basic, Sportsman, Advanced, Expert, and Senior Expert (Expert class for those 65 or older.)

While SPA does not itself put on the contests, we do support the local clubs with a stipend for each contest, an annual contribution towards the cost of the Points Championship trophies, and dedicated laptops and printers for each division. Our current membership is 134.

*Organization summary provided by SPA.

Society of Antique Modelers (SAM)

The Vintage models flown by SAM members are those designed, published or available as kits during the golden era of model aviation, the decade of the thirties to the beginning of WWII. A period following Lindberg’s solo flight to Paris that ignited the aviation flame in so many of the World’s youth. It was a period when practical model airplanes were developed and made available so anyone could build and fly one and hundreds of thousands did.

SAM calls models from the period prior to 1939, “antique”, and prior to 1942, “old timer”. They are the basis for good-natured competition in categories from free flight gas and rubber power, and gliders. For the RC enthusiast or for those whose flying field limits free flight there are categories for ignition and glow powered engines. Recently several electric powered classes have been introduced to allow flying of these models quietly from fields where glow and ignition engines are not allowed.

SAM encompasses the youth and modelers who are still young at heart, men and women ages 11 to 90. We have over 2200 members in Chapters from all fifty states and Canada, plus Chapters  worldwide from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Slovak Republic and Sweden. Many of these SAM Chapters sponsor competitions, flying for fun and probably a good deal of friendly discussion.

Avid modelers, Lee Freeman, John Pond, and Martin Schindler sparked SAM into being in 1962 in order to revive the early days of model aviation and to set up guidelines for Old Timer competition. These guidelines are now the basis for the SAM competition rules that govern the majority of Old Timer contests. When you join a copy of the rules will be sent to you with your membership card. SAM has been fortunate to receive the management and guidance from a strong team of Presidents.

Members receive SAM Speaks, our ‘voice’. This newsletter is published bi-monthly. It features coming attractions, results of contests, construction and flying tips, sources for vintage model supplies, and general information of interest to the old time modeler. SAM also sponsors an Internet news group; SAM Talks , where many of the members share information about old timer airplanes, motors and flying techniques.

Each fall SAM sponsors the Championships. “The Champs” are a week of competition, tall-tale telling, banquets, bean feeds, spouses activities and camaraderie. At the Champs, SAM holds its one annual membership meeting where all the business is completed early to allow for more good times. Fun is the by-word of the SAM Champs! The SAM Champs is rotated yearly among four regional sites; — East, Midwest, Rocky Mountain and West. Modelers from all over the world converge at the specified site for a fun- filled week of flying competition.

During the final Awards Banquet SAM inducts special members into its Hall of Fame These are the individuals who have made significant contributions to the early developments of flying model airplanes and the SAM movement.

Wouldn’t you like to jump on the bandwagon and Join SAM a great group of people? We’d like to have you aboard! Your affordable membership fee entities you to a one year subscription to our bi-monthly magazine “SAM Speaks”, a copy of the SAM Rule Book, a SAM Chapter list advising where all the local SAM Chapters (Clubs) are located throughout the USA and the World, a source listing of where to obtain old time modeling supplies, a membership card, and some of the greatest aeromodeling fun you’ll ever have. We will even help you to build and fly your airplane.

Contact us or just chat with other SAM members through the New SAM Talks the SAM official e-mail message board.

*Organization summary and logo pulled from organization’s site.

Unlimited Scale Racing Association (USRA)

The Unlimited Scale Racing Association (USRA) is an organization dedicated to the competitive sport of radio controlled (R/C) Giant Scale Racing competition capturing the thrill and excitement of the world’s fastest motor sport. The USRA is the official sanctioning and rules body for the sport of Giant Scale Air Racing.

Founded in 1994, the purpose of the USRA is to provide the special interests of its membership a clear and definitive set of racing rules and procedures and to effectively separate those racing rules and procedures from the promotional aspects of the racing event organizers, thereby allowing uniform application of racing rules and procedures at all racing events.

By providing a fair and equitable playing field to its membership, the USRA serves to advance the sport of giant scale air racing in the areas of competition, safety and technology development for the benefit of those persons interested in the design, construction and flight of giant scale racing aircraft.

USRA operates under the auspices of the USA’s Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) with a designation as the Special Interest Group (SIG) for R/C Giant Scale Racing. Although originating in America, the scope of USRA operations has always been considered international and is open to all those interested in competing.

The number of national and international USRA giant scale racing events grows each year. It is the intent of the USRA and each racing event organizer to continue to advance and grow the sport of giant scale air racing in order to increase awareness of our deeply rooted aviation heritage and the sport of air racing in the United States and world-wide.

The Unlimited Scale Racing Association is organized with a Board of Directors and Officers that serve the organization as prescribed in the Constitution & By-Laws. Geographical Regions are used for organization and administrative purposes.

*Organization summary and logo pulled from organization’s site.

US Drone Soccer

Drone soccer is a thrilling indoor team sport played with radio controlled quadcopters in protective exoskeletons designed for collisions. Five player teams face off in a netted arena where they ram and block the opposing team to prevent them from scoring. But before pilots can compete they must first learn to build, program, fly, and repair high-performance drones, learning engineering skills towards exciting careers in aviation.

*Organization summary and logo pulled from organization’s site.

Vintage Radio Control Society (VRCS)

Vintage R/C Society (VR/CS) Logo

The Vintage Radio Control Society encourages the building and flying of model aircraft that were designed, built, flown, kitted or published for radio control 35 years prior to the current year. We promote membership in the Vintage Radio Control Society. We also encourage clubs to sponsor a fly in or competition with vintage RC models.

We have two sites for group discussions: IO Groups Discussion and RC Groups Discussion.

*Organization summary provided by Vintage R/C Society.

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