AMA Awarded $50,000 grant from Arconic Foundation

The AMA has been awarded a $50,000 grant from the Arconic Foundation, formerly the Alcoa Foundation. The funding received will allow us to continue our support of public school educator STEM outreach efforts throughout the country, specifically targeted to Arconic communities.

The Arconic Foundation has been an instrumental partner to the AMA Education Department in development of programs that highlight the importance of aviation and STEM education. Over the past thirteen years, the AMA has been the grateful recipient of several grants from the Foundation in support of these efforts. These grants have contributed to the development of Aerolab, a STEM math and science activities kit that demonstrates Newton’s Laws of Motion; development of the AMA Alpha Free-Flight airplane; and AMA Flight Research Kits, which provide materials that allow Arconic volunteers, teachers and community leaders to present to classrooms the important STEM opportunities within aviation. The grants also support UAS4STEM, a competitive program that challenges middle and high school students to build their own drone and learn about aviation.

Arconic has awarded the AMA over $400,000 in previous grants. Our partnership has lead to the Arconic Foundation winning the Dr. Mervin K. Strickler Jr. Award for Aerospace Education Leadership from the National Coalition for Aviation & Space Education (NCASE) this past Spring.

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