GoFly Competition is Calling for Mentors and Judges


As a partner organization to The GoFly Prize, we invite you to join us as Mentors and Judges in the $2M GoFly Prize. The GoFly Prize is a $2,000,000 international competition to create safe, quiet, and ultra-compact personal flying devices with near-VTOL capabilities. AMA Members can become involved in GoFly as a Mentor or as a Judge.



  • Mentor:  With Innovators participating from around the world, the Teams participating need Mentors to help them with their designs.  Should you be interested in joining GoFly as a Mentor, please join here:   https://www.herox.com/GoFly/28-be-a-mentor
  • Judge: Should you be interested in helping GoFly in the judging of the Phase I paper submissions, please contact info@goflyprize.com.  The Phase I paper proposals are due April 18, and judging will take place between April 18th and May 18th.

More information is available at www.goflyprize.com and we encourage you to participate!

List of disciplines needed:

advanced configurations, rotor performance, handling qualities, structural dynamics, rotor dynamics, experimental flight testing, platform safety, general aviation airspace/operations, propulsion and drive, systems and flight test, on-demand mobility, flying qualities, innovative aircraft, vehicle design, and of course.. safety, safety, safety!


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