TAG Grant Recipient Lake Area Radio Kontrol Society Hosts First Model Aviation Day

The Lake Area Radio Kontrol Society held its 1st ever Model Aviation Day on June 10th, 2017. Not really knowing what to expect, we prayed for good weather and promoted the event extensively. The weather turned out to be fantastic and the LARKS Club members heartily supported the event. Approximately 50 Club members and guests were in attendance. The Club members brought their entry level trainers such as the Apprentice and all the guests who wanted to fly were able to get in their very first RC flight. Some of the Club members brought model rockets which were launched during the Model Aviation Day. One Club member donated some small kites and LARKS gave away some small balsa airplanes so no one left empty handed. The first time pilots received a nice certificate commemorating their accomplishments. To show the guest a wide range of model aviation, some of the members flew their turbine powered jets during the day, in addition to the other airplanes, helicopters and quadcopters.

LARKS provided lunch consisting of the traditional lunchtime fare of hamburgers, hot dogs, bratwurst and nachos. No one left hungry. The guests were complimentary of the Club’s field and most were shocked that such a developed model aviation site was in the area, and had gone completely unnoticed by them.

Both the Club members and the guests had a great time. The Club is enthusiastic about the possibilities for the Model Aviation Day in 2018. We used this first experience to learn how to do this, and we have several ideas to incorporate into the Model Aviation Day in 2018, primarily dealing with promotion and advertising.

The Club appreciates the Academy of Model Aeronautics for providing the concept, funding and the spark for this event. LARKS was granted $375 from the AMA. LARKS spent approximately $275 with supplies, food and drinks. Our very own Jerry Walters (AMA AVP) showed up and offered his support of the event and donated a couple of AMA ball caps.

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