Casa Grande, AZ Club Represents the AMA and their Club at the AZ SciTech Festival

By Nancy Friedman

It seemed like forever and a day since I got up before sunrise to go to high school. I even had to go to the principal’s office (for lunch)   Four board members of the Casa Grande RC Flyers attended the AZ SciTech Festival as exhibitors for the AMA and our club. The Festival was a six hour combination of an old fashion science fair and career day.  While nothing about the science fair part was “old fashioned,” I sure felt old among the sea of 3,000 students, ranging in grades from 6-12, streaming through the gym at Casa Grande Union High School. Among other university/colleges, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, the AMA co-sponsor of the UAS4STEM competition, was also represented.  Listening to Embry Riddle’s recruiter discuss the small class size and possibilities available made me want to go back to school at his university.  (Well for a few minutes, anyway.)

While the video “Total Control” played as a backdrop, Win Koch taught and oversaw the two flight simulators. The lines to the flight simulators were frequently long. Win noted only a few “gamers” had the delicate touch necessary to actually land the jet on one of the flight simulators. Those students who listened carefully to his directions had more successful landings. I introduced one young lady who wanted to go into the Air Force to Win who had been aircrew in the Canadian Air Force for numerous years. He said training was quite similar, just on the other side of the border.

Nancy Friedman discussing scholarship information with two young ladies interested in flying and going into the Air Force
Nancy Friedman explaining the elevons and rudder function of the FPG-9 glider.


Rodney Hexter and Alan Friedman flew and answered questions about their DJI Mavic and Night Vapor, respectively, in a smaller adjoining gym. Not only did Rodney’s Australian accent catch the attention of many students, but so did his foldable drone which he purchased for the ease of traveling both within the USA and to Australia where he usually spends time during our summer.  A young lady whose father had a Cessna was asking about another example plane, a P51D Mustang.  She has been taking lessons with her father and also did very well on the flight simulator.

Whereas my male counterparts were focusing on recruiting the students for membership in the AMA and our club, I concentrated more on scholarship information for the students and teachers of the Class of 2021 and beyond. After reading the AMA scholarship requirements, I realized it was too late for students now in 9th grade and above to be considered for an AMA scholarship.  With the 3 year AMA membership requirement, I directed my energy towards eight graders and those STEM teachers who are now teaching them and those who will teach them next fall. Although it was many years ago, I still remember how important scholarships were to me when my father’s place of employment for 26 years closed and I still had two years of pharmacy school to finish. The teachers assured me they would not only bring this to the students’ attention, but also to their parents’ attention.  I also handed out FPG-9 gliders to put together for those interested.  Using my FPG-9 as an example, I explained the rudder and elevons to them with a suggestion of trying different combinations and logging their results.

Prior to the AZ SciTech Festival, Rodney, Alan, and I also participated in a Science night at Villago Middle School (also in Casa Grande, AZ) where a few parents were in attendance and appreciated the scholarship information.  At the Science Night event, Rodney flew his drone, while Alan and I discussed the principles of flight to those with long attention spans plus made FPG-9s with those ranging in age from 3 year olds to attending grandparents.

Win Koch supervising the flight simulators, as well as, teaching and answering questions
Rodney Hexter practice flying his DJI Mavix prior to the air show he and Alan Friedman did in the gym each time a new session started in the smaller gym.

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