Would you like to attend Camp AMA for free? Read below about all of the opportunities that are available to receive a free or discounted sponsorship.

District III (Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia):

District VP Mark Radcliff has offered to help a youth member get to Camp AMA this summer. If you are a youth member who would like to go to camp let us know why! Send an email to include your full name and age and an essay detailing why you want to go attend. The winner will have half of their Camp AMA tuition paid for by the District III. You must be 13-19 years old to apply. The deadline for the contest is April 21st.


District IV (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia):

Why is model aviation important to me?

Prepare a digital photo essay that answers that question. Judging will be based on creativity and relating the importance of model aviation in your life now and in the future.

  • Each applicant must submit a photo essay containing up to six digital photographs, answering the question, “Why model aviation is important to me”.
  • Fill out the application with a brief statement about your current radio control flying experiences and why you want to attend Camp AMA.
  • You must be a current AMA member.
  • You must be between the ages of 13 and 19 inclusively and live in District IV (Delaware, Washington DC, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia).
  • You must have basic radio control flying experience and have soloed.
  • You must be able to schedule attendance at Camp AMA the week of June 11th through June 17th.
  • Parental or guardian approval is required.
  • Photo essay may be used in a future District IV Model Aviation column, website and/or Facebook page.
  • The deadline for entry is May 21, 2017 and the winner will be notified by phone on May 22, 2017.
  • Judge’s decision is final.

Submit all entries digitally to Jay Marsh, District IV AMA Vice President at


District XI (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington):

Attention youth members in District XI… Your District VP Chuck Bower wants to send one of you to Camp AMA in June. All you have to do for a chance to win is send a short bio about yourself and your model aviation experience. As well as an essay telling us what attending camp would mean to you. You must be 13-19 years old to apply. The deadline for the contest is April 21st. Send your submissions via email to Please be sure to include your full name and age. You must be 13-19 years old to apply.


For more details about Camp AMA please go to:



    1. Hi Jazieh,
      Camp AMA is for kids aged 13-19, so they wouldn’t be able attend until next summer. Thanks!

    1. Hi Makaio, thank you for your interest in Camp AMA! We only have sponsorships left for the districts listed above.

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