AMA Education Department Video Contest

Win your own brand-new Zebra 4 Channel FM Aircraft Radio by participating in the AMA Video Contest!

About the Contest:  We are looking for videos to share on, to show just how cool model flying can be. We want video from the best modelers out there, our members!

Video Categories:  There are several different types of videos we are looking for. The categories include:

•           Best Youth Member 3D Extreme

•           Best beginners “how-to” videos for RC, Park Flyers, CL, Heli, and FF

•           Best RC Indoor video

•           Best FF Indoor video

•           Best Club Promotional video

•           Best AMA Recruiting video – both club and individual

•           Best Aeromodeling Safety video

Rules:  All entries are due by September 30, 2012.

Submitting your video:  Send an email to, with “Video Contest” in the subject and the YouTube link in the email body.  Dave Gee, MA Safety Columnist and member of the Education Committee, is going to plant a demo video for you to refer to – search “StukaDave” on YouTube.

Judging:  Judging will be done by the Education Committee online.

Everybody loves a good contest – get goin’! Fly and Have Fun!

One comment

  1. Is there any official announcement date for this contest? Our club has been trying to follow this contest but we have not seen any info on this subject since the original posting on June 4th. Can you post a progress update on the video review process and possible announcement date for the winners?

    Thanks! Fly Safe!

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