This month, I have a lot of submitted material to share. A great big thank-you for all of the submissions!
From Doug Bailey, president of the River City Radio Control club in Louisville, Kentucky. Every year we hold the Wings for Kids event. This year we are donating $49,082 to Norton Children’s Hospital. Our club has been doing this for 19 years and to-date has raised more than $300,000 for the hospital.
Another significant fundraiser comes from the Lake Ozark Radio Control Society (LORCS) of Eldon, Missouri. The club again teamed up with the Eldon, Missouri, Relay for Life Curves team to raise money for the American Cancer Society.
The Relay for Life team supplied a luncheon of Kentucky Fried Chicken and Bandanna’s Bar-B-Que that was donated by those local establishments. Side dishes and desserts were donated by club members and Curves team members. The weather was perfect for flying. Forty-four pilots kept the sky full throughout the day. Many club members and visiting pilots donated to the raffle, which included two generators and several RTF or ARF airplanes. Along with a supply flying accessories, $5,000 was raised and donated to the American Cancer Society. LORCS thanks all who attended for their generosity!

Next is a report from Mike Morton, secretary/treasurer of the Henderson Radio Control Model Airplane Club of Henderson, Kentucky. The club received a $1,000 Take off And Grow (TAG) grant this year.
We used the TAG grant to purchase two Apprentice trainers with spare batteries, spare propellers, a two-port battery charger, and additional propellers for the Zeyrok quad-copters that we have been using with the Henderson County High School after-school quad/STEM class. We have also scheduled another Trainer Day TAG event in coordination with regular, once-a-month programs at the Sandy L. Watkins Park.
We held an impromptu event when one interested individual showed up at our flying field on a regular afternoon flying session. “Richard” expressed that he always wanted to try RC flying. We hooked him up on the Apprentice trainer and radio with one of our experienced members/trainers (Tina) to try his hand at flying.
I have included a summary report of the use of the AMA STEM donation box. The picture is of Henderson County High School teachers Ed Clouse (L) and Robert Sexton. Ed is in charge of the after-school Cheers Program, a tutoring program in which students are offered after school tutoring and homework assistance. Robert is the science program coordinator at the high school and plans to use the STEM donation box as a supplement to the regular curriculum of the high school program this spring and incorporate it into the 2019 fall curriculum.

I encourage you to send me a submission for your club’s event! Email me at with the word “magazine” in the subject line and attach a few high-quality digital pictures!
Also, please take the time to introduce someone to model aviation!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI