Here we are in the hottest time of the year. I hope everyone is getting in lots of flying despite the heat. Also, take care to avoid heat illness and make sure to keep hydrated!
The following is from Mike Ceveny and is this month’s only submission.
Nestled in farm country, roughly 100 miles southwest of Chicago, is Peru, Illinois, home to the Illinois Valley Radio Control club (IVRC). Established in 1992 by a group of model airplane fliers, IVRC was formed to promote the sport of RC model airplane flying. Throughout the years, its membership has grown, along with the advancement of technology, making the sport even more fun and challenging.
As with many clubs, attracting new and younger members has been slow progress. The club has recently been exploring the concept of STEM principles as part of the act of flying model aircraft to interest students in the activity.
Additionally, IVRC has started a Family Fun Fly night once a month to introduce people to the sport and offer the opportunity to have a “hands-on” experience. A seasoned pilot serves as a backup to the new person flying for what is most likely his or her first time.
The club is also looking to expand the flying of drones (something younger folks find very interesting), in addition to fixed-wing aircraft and, perhaps, rockets. Some interesting days are ahead!
Throughout the years, the club has held fun flys, exhibition events, and other activities that are open to the public. These events have allowed IVRC to contribute to the local food bank and other charities.
IVRC is fortunate because the field that the club uses is owned by a farmer who supports our activity. There are two hangars on the site—one to house equipment and hold meetings and the other that houses a full-scale airplane that one of the members owns and flies. IVRC was an early adopter of fabric runways. A couple of years ago, the club added another strip that doubled the width of the runway and can more easily handle larger airplanes.
On August 4, 2019, the club will have its 10th annual Float Fly event at Lake DePue (11 miles west of Peru). It is probably the club’s biggest event of the year and draws all sorts of interesting craft. This year, two other clubs, Deer Park and Streator, will participate. In the area around us we are the only club that holds this type of event. We have the use of a fine pavilion, food and refreshments are available, and the pilot fee is still only $5. Weather cooperating, we expect a big turnout. All are welcome!

If you enjoyed this month’s submission and would like to see an event from your own club highlighted here, email me a short write-up with the word “magazine” in the subject line and attach a few high-quality digital pictures!
Please take the time to introduce someone to model aviation!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI