This is my first solo article, so please bear with me. At the time of this writing, New Year’s Day is only days away and it sounds as though our Frozen Thumb Fun Fly weather will live up to its name as the weather forecast is for a -4° high with a -30° windchill.
With that noted, it is hard for me to get my mind wrapped around the fact this will not appear in the magazine until March. In northwestern Missouri, March is a time when you never know what the weather will be like. It could still be winter, or a glorious spring day.
The deadline to apply for flying site grants is March 1, 2018. Randy Cameron told me there were no applications from our district last year. I know time is short, but you can go online to apply for this grant.
Approved recipient clubs can receive up to 10% of the total improvement cost, up to $3,000. Grants will be given to recipient clubs on May 1, and all work must be complete within one year of the grant being awarded. If not completed, money must be returned to AMA. For complete details, visit
While I am on the subject, the AMA website ( gives you access to all of the information you need. It doesn’t matter whether you are looking for the responsibilities of your club president, what you need to acquire a turbine waver, etc., it is there. Yes, it is a little cumbersome to navigate, but the information is there.
If you want to see your club in this column, please email me pictures and a short write-up of your club’s event and I will do my best to include it. Because I don’t have anything this month, I am showing pictures of a rare event held the Kansas City Northern Knights field this past July. Randy and Fina Cameron renewed their wedding vows on their 33rd anniversary at our flying field.

The last picture this month is of my flying witch, which is always a big hit in the fall of every year. Hilda was built by Dale Beck and was flown on glow fuel for many, many years!
A few years ago, Dale gave Hilda to me because he was tired of the aircraft. I promised I would keep it flying, but was going to convert Hilda to electric power. Dale said he enjoys seeing me fly the aircraft, because he can now see the looks and reactions of everyone when Hilda is in the air.

Gary Himes
Vice President District VI