District VI members, as I am sure most of you are aware, I, Randy Cameron, was elected to the position of AMA executive vice president (EVP). I have enjoyed the opportunities I’ve had to meet a large number of great modelers at events during the last five years as the District VI vice president.
I’ve been able to attend many events and have had a lot of fun. I’ve always been proud to be a District VI member, and the newly elected EVP, I will still live in and be a part of District VI.
I’d like to take this space to introduce Gary Himes. Gary has been a District VI associate vice president for nearly five years. I have selected him to complete my term as the District VI vice president.
Gary is a great guy and has been an active modeler for more than 30 years. He is well qualified, and will do a great job in the District VI seat. Please give him the support you have shown me. He has joined me in many of my travels to various events, and many of you have already met him. And now a word from Gary:
Hello! My name is Gary Himes. I am your new District VI vice president. I was appointed by Randy to fulfill his term, because he was elected as the new EVP! Randy has left me some really big shoes to fill, but I will do my best to fill them.
One of my responsibilities, of course, will be to write this monthly magazine column. So, now I am begging. If you want to see yourself or your club mentioned in the magazine, please send me pictures of your event and a short write up and I will include it in the column. Keep in mind that these articles are written three months before publication, so forgive me if sometimes I seem out of step.
For my first push, I want to discuss Amazon Smile. A good number of us order all kinds of things through Amazon. Did you know that if you use Amazon Smile, a small portion of the purchase will go to the charity of your choice?

When you first enter Amazon Smile, choose your favorite charity. I hope it would be the AMA Foundation.
Happy building and may all your landings be great ones!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI