AMA District IX — Wyoming, Nebraska, North Dakota,
Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota
As published in the March 2016 issue of Model Aviation magazine.
For quite a few years, the associate vice presidents (AVPs) from the Denver metro area have put together an annual club officer meeting. The purpose is to coordinate events, discuss issues, and provide a forum for interaction among the clubs. In the last few years, with the help of AVPs Tom Neff and Rick McCaskill, this event has grown to include not only the metro area clubs, but clubs from as far away as western Colorado and eastern Nebraska.
With the inclusion of the outlying areas, I have seen this meeting grow to be a place where club representatives of all sizes and demographics can share ideas that make everyone better. Although the problems facing rural clubs might be different from those facing clubs in the big city, all parties gain when ideas and efforts are shared. I was unable to attend this year, but my AVPs put on another noteworthy production.
Here are some notes and pictures from Colorado AVP Rick McCaskill.
On Saturday, December 6, 2015, Tom Neff and I hosted the annual club officers’ briefing of current issues and events that are pertinent to all of our area clubs. The meeting, held at the Wings Over the Rockies museum, was well attended with officers present from 14 clubs.
It was an informative day for all with discussions about the AMA Headquarters complex, programs and member benefits, insurance, the National Model Aviation Museum, the AMA Education department, government affairs, the AMA Foundation, new AMA publications, Leader Members, Leader Clubs, Know Before You Fly, UAS4STEM competition, the sUAS Task Force recommendation, District IX Youth Scholarship, and the health of clubs and how AMA could assist the clubs. Along the way, each representative had a chance to air his or her club’s local issues and concerns.
Tom and I were privileged to present Mike Cross, a longtime AMA member, with an award for years of service to District IX. Mike has authored an area event calendar for many years and his photographic talents and coverage of Colorado events are legendary. Congratulations, Mike.

This is for all of you who live in those districts that enjoy year-round balmy weather. Here in the outback of the US, we take our flying just as seriously. In some cases, we even make it a special event.
Many clubs in District IX host a special event in the dead of winter to spit in Mother Nature’s face and fly.
We have events like Frost Your Buns, Frozen Finger Fly, and Nitro Chili Burn to name of few of these outdoor aerial fests. Take this, all you fair weather fliers!

District IX Vice President