AMA District IX — Wyoming, Nebraska, North Dakota,
Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota
As published in the February 2016 issue of Model Aviation magazine.
We held our 2015 District IX General Membership Meeting in June in conjunction with the Big Bird Fun Fly hosted by the Grand Island Modelers in Grand Island, Nebraska.

With the success of that event, we have decided to partner with another notable District IX event for 2016. The 2016 meeting will take place during the Warbirds Over Denver event at Chatfield State Park in Colorado. That will be held the weekend of June 10-12.

As we did last year, several District IX associate vice presidents (AVPs) and I will attend and we will have a short general session for you to meet with us and ask us questions. We will even have a few prizes to give away to some AMA members.
Beyond that, simply show up and enjoy a great weekend of Scale flying. For more information on the Warbirds Over Denver event, see the Jeffco Aeromod’lers RC Club event website at

I was saddened to hear of the death of longtime District IX AVP Mike Tallman. Mike passed away in September 2015, after a long battle with cancer.
Mike was well known as a builder and flier, not only in Kansas, but nationally. He was active locally in the Wichihawks Control Line Airplane Club and the Wichita Radio Control Club. Our condolences to Mike’s wife, Vernelle, and the Tallman family.
I’d like to introduce Troy Hamm, who will be replacing Mike as AVP. Here are a few words from Troy.
“It is tough duty replacing Mike Tallman. He had a long history in this position. I will do my best to be a credit to him and all of you.
“I grew up in an aviation family. My father is a flight instructor and an A&P mechanic who restores antique aircraft in his spare time. The family always owned an airplane or two. My first airplane ride was in an Aeronca Champ at six weeks old.
“Not too many years later, I started building Control Line airplanes with my father and grandfather. My first RC flight was in 1979 and I’ve been hooked ever since. I have been an AMA member since 1983.
“Today I build and fly all types of RC planes including Pattern, profile, sailplanes, and foamies, but my favourites are Giant Scale Aerobatics aircraft. I compete in Pattern, International Miniature Aerobatic Club (IMAC), and Indoor Pattern (F3P).
“I continue to work in the aviation industry and have for over 30 years. I look forward to meeting you all.”

Who says no one builds anymore? Here are two great District IX examples. Oliver Shaw, of the Arvada Associated Modelers in Denver, started with a three-view from a magazine of the full-scale Edge and drew plans. The result you see here. At the time of this photo, he was laying up the fiberglass cowl.
The second is a Smith Mini-Plane that Don Van Voort of the Beresford Area Radio Flyers in Beresford, South Dakota, built from a Sig Manufacturing kit.

District IX Vice President