Published on Wednesday, September 26, 2012 by Susan Barr/Kern Valley Sun
Drive past Hanning Flat, on the far side of the lake any Saturday morning, and you’re liable to see planes in the sky doing radical aerobatic moves unlike anything you’ve witnessed before.
No, you’re not catching a glimpse of experimental aircraft from a neighboring military base going through its paces. You’re seeing radio-controlled aircraft being operated by members of the Kern Model Airplane Kontrollers, a group of radio control enthusiasts who love nothing more than to while away a few hours flying and tinkering with their planes.
“We enjoy the camaraderie,” said Randy Cullen, president of the group, “and we enjoy going out to the flying field. Sometimes you don’t necessarily feel like flying, but you can still sit around and visit and just relax.”
The club is sanctioned by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) which is the world’s largest model aviation organization, representing a membership of more than 150,000 people. It is the official national body for model aviation in the United States, and sanctions more than a thousand model competitions throughout the country each year, certifying official model flying records on a national and international level. The AMA also acts as the liaison with the Federal Aviation Administration.
Anyone interested in learning more about radio-control airplanes and helicopters, can visit with members of the KMAK group any Saturday morning at Hanning Flat, off of Sierra Way, across from Stine Cove on the back side of Isabella Lake.
Read the full article here.

Anyone know if K.M.A.K is still active ?
They are currently chartered with AMA.
We are still here. Paul, the man in the photo flyies the yellow cub to this day! We fly most Wednesday and Saturday mornings, 7 or 8 until 9 or 10. We usually go to breakfast after flying. See you there!