Model Aviation Magazine Celebrates 50 Years!

AMA’s flagship magazine, Model Aviation, is celebrating the 50th year of publication in its current form. The first issue to be published was the July 1975 magazine

Since then, it has remained a monthly publication and a primary benefit of membership. With technological advances in publishing and printing, coupled with changes in the model aviation industry, the magazine has progressed to keep up with the times.  

Throughout the rest of the year, we will celebrate this milestone in all of AMA’s media channels. Perhaps you have a story to tell concerning Model Aviation magazine. Maybe it’s a moment in time when the magazine inspired you in some way. You can submit your story to These stories might be shared with the membership in future communications. 

In the meantime, read more about how Model Aviation originally started in 1936 and evolved over 89 years to become the magazine it is today on page 28 in this article published for AMA’s 75th anniversary in 2011. 



  1. I enjoy reading the magazine every month, reading the articles and also looking at the new products advertised.

  2. I was truly disappointed when the magazine stopped publishing a “NATS” issue with results and “play by play” descriptions of the events. Coupled with the dearth of control line content, I long for the balanced content of the early issues.

  3. I definitely look forward to that magazine I looked through it both ways front to back back to front there’s always something interesting

  4. Santa Monica needs an AMA airfield. The city has a vernerable history of air craft design and construction. The City had an amazing hobby store Called Evetts. Lots of old time model air craft. Due to Covid it closed after 50 years. In 2018 the City had a referrendum on closing the Airport because of noise and lots of corporate jet traffic. The City is now making plans for the Airport land. They are finding that remediation of haz mat will be expensive. They are also finding that the airport generates lots of tax revenue. Time the AMA to explain that RC models can be safe and they are good for your people to learn and be out of doors. All RC models are banned from all city parks, etc.

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