AMA District VI News January 2018

Happy holidays District VI members. I hope Santa was kind to you and brought you lots of great modeling toys for Christmas.

This is a time to be with family if possible, and if not, maybe with other modeling friends. I am fortunate I will get to spend the holidays with my wife and some of our children and grandchildren. I feel needed because, believe it or not, I typically wind up doing most of the cooking. I keep hoping to pass this chore down to someone else, but haven’t been successful.

I was honored when I was asked by Samuel Maas to attend the Marionville, Missouri, Veterans Day celebration at Marion C. Early High School. Samuel is the Youth AMA member that District VI sent to Camp AMA in 2017.

Although Marionville is a small community, it presented an impressive program with a good showing of veterans from the local area. I also enjoyed watching Samuel perform as part of the band. Thank you for thinking of me, Sammy!

The weather is cooling down, and we will pretty much be in full-blown winter (better known as the building season in our area of the world) when you read this. You might already be preparing for a New Year’s Day flying event. I’m sure I’ll be at a local club starting the year off right and trying to stay warm.

I was lucky enough to go to Clinton, Missouri, and visit the Golden Valley Radio Control Club for its last public flying event of the year. It was a potluck event, and as the sign in my friend’s trailer said, “Sometimes we fly, but we always eat.” The food was great. There was everything from fried fish and potatoes with cheese and bacon, to pizza soup, chili, and much more. There were lots of desserts too. Below are a few pictures from the event.

Finally, I wanted to let you all know that it appears that the John Taylor case will be overturned by Congress. Because of the FAA Re-authorization extension, Congress has included model aircraft registration in the National Defense Authorization Act. Congress and the president are trying to get this bill passed before Thanksgiving. There are still many questions, so watch for additional information.

Happy holidays and may all your landing be great ones.

Randy Cameron
Vice President District VI

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