Once again, we have endured another trip around the sun. It’s time to celebrate with friends and family. I ask that you celebrate responsibly and remember the real reason for the season! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to each of you and your families.
Patrick Darby reported from the Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers club.
We held our annual big bird/picnic gathering in August, with 60 attendees. A great time was had by all with good food, weather, and a nice turnout. Great flights took place as well.

Doug Brindle reported that the Johnson County Radio Control Modelers in Indiana hosted a Never Forget fly-in. The day’s blustery wind held the stars and stripes at a strong flutter, while club members and pilots from other local clubs enjoyed a day of fellowship, food, and lots of flying, all while remembering that fateful day in 2001. A laser-engraved drink coaster commemorating the event was available to all who wanted one.

George Kissick reported that the Lexington Model Airplane Club in Kentucky hosted its annual Fall Classic. The event has been a tradition for 20 years, with 28 pilots adding to this year’s excitement. The Giant Scale airplanes were a source of delight for all. All of the airplanes, with their impressive 80 inches for single-wing models and 60 inches for biplanes, were a sight to behold. The sky was open for everyone to fly and the day concluded with a memorable meal!

Gary Koester reported that the Aurora Barnstormers, from Aurora, Illinois, hosted its third annual helicopter fun-fly. They enjoyed a beautiful day with very light wind, a clear sky, and temperatures in the 80s. There was a good turnout of pilots, and everyone put in many amazing flights.

Dave Ludwig reported that the 2024 Route 66 Jet Rally was held at the St. Louis Radio Control Flying Association. There was no shortage of sport models, EDFs, and turbine jets. The wind was not as forecasted, so many pilots did fly. A local barbecue food truck showed up to keep everyone full. Thanks to all of the spectators and pilots who showed up this year for a great time.

Gary Himes
Vice President District VI