Here we are again! It’s June already. By now, most of us have been blowing the dust off those aircraft and have several flights in.
I only had one report again this month. It is from James Hubbell from the Bolivar Sport Flyers.

In the Midwest, as many of you know, winter is the building season. We’re getting that latest aircraft innovation all put together, tested, and ready for the flying field to dazzle our fellow club members with our prowess about the sky and our ability to defy the laws of gravity and push the limits of aeronautical engineering. We offer precision aerobatics that would impress Patty Wagstaff.
It’s time to take a break from the paint fumes, sawdust, late nights, glued fingers, radio programming, and daily trips to the hobby shop to get in a little flying practice, no matter how we do it.
Lance Jones, a member of the Bolivar Sport Flyers in Bolivar, Missouri, who arranged a few indoor flying events at the Assembly of God Church in Ozark, Missouri. The church has a basketball court and gymnasium that we used to place our cold, weathered, stiff fingers on the magic controls and get some real flying time to relieve some of the winter doldrums.
We had members from the Ozark Barnstormers and the Springfield RC Club join in on the fun. We also used this as an opportunity to raise money for Kinson Jones to attend Camp AMA this summer.
Recently, the Kansas City Radio Control Club (KCRC) invited me to attend the club’s annual appreciation dinner. It was a very good event. The club honors all outgoing officers. The night started with a couple of hours of indoor flying, and the activities included a big spread of wonderful, tasty food, a video of members flying at the field all summer, and a short speech by yours truly.

Thank you, KCRC, for your hospitality to my girlfriend and me.
Now that the flying season is here, take time to tell me about your club’s event. To get your club’s event or even just a fun day of flying into my column, simply write a 150-word description of the event, along with a couple of pictures. Email it to with the word “magazine” in the subject line. Keep in mind that the pictures must be at least a 500 KB standalone JPG file.
Remember to take time to introduce someone new to model aviation. Help get youth excited about model aviation because they are the future of our hobby!
Finally, remember that the 2023 AMA National Fun Fly is only weeks away. Held at the International Aeromodeling Center in Muncie, Indiana, the dates are June 23-25, and will include a swap meet. To register or get information, visit
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI