Oh boy, good old April showers. That means just one thing—summer is just around the corner! I can’t wait for it to warm up, but the pessimist in me says, “Blink three times and it will be over.”
I am ready to start attending flying events again. There are a lot of flying clubs in District VI. I hope to visit more this year. I will never be able to get to every one; however, I want to know if you are having a special event. Send me an email with details and I will add it to my calendar.
If my schedule allows, I just might pop in. Please be sure to give me at least a couple of weeks’ notice.
My first submission this month came from Kurt Larson in northern Illinois.

On January 1, 2023, the Tinley Creek RC field was a busy place. Both the Suburban Aero Club and the Tinley Creek Remote Control Flying Club members were out bright and early for their annual first-flight-of-the-year gathering. More than 12 pilots showed up and enjoyed the calm wind and temperatures in the 30s.
Brian Kobischka sent the next report.

The Rock Valley RC Flyers in Rockford, Illinois, got together with EAA Chapter 22 to host a glider-build-and-fly night for kids. Scott Hurley was the point person for Rock Valley RC Flyers, assisted by Paul Hurley and Ti Galfi. The event was held at the Cottonwood Airport. It was a great success. Everyone had lots of fun.

Word on the street is that the club will repeat the event later this spring and develop interest for a building program of an RC foam airplane.

To get your club’s event or even just a fun day of flying into my column, simply write a 150-word description of the event, along with a couple of pictures. Email it to amadistrictVI@modelaircraft.org with the word “magazine” in the subject line. Please remember that pictures must be at least 500 KB as a standalone JPG file.
Remember to take time to introduce someone new to aeromodeling. Please help to get youth excited about model aviation, because they are the future of our hobby!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI