Lenny Robertson of Carthage, Missouri reported that the Spring River RC Club had some some special visitors in October. One of the teachers from a local school contacted the club about taking a field trip to the flying field. The idea was acceptable to the club and plans were made.

Approximately 40 children from the Tiger Prep kindergarten classes at Fairview and Columbian elementary schools attended the field trip to learn about the letter “A,” or airplane/aircraft.

They first had a short, simplified lesson on the basics of transmitter and receiver functions. Afterward, all were treated to a mini air show using both airplane and helicopter demonstrations.

I want to commend the Spring River Club for taking the time to spend with this very young group of children. We never know what spark might inspire one of these youth into aviation. Job well done!
I have small balsa gliders that I would like to send to any club in my district doing similar youth events. Just be sure to give me plenty of time to get them to you before your scheduled event.
There are more timely ways for you to receive AMA information than my article. Keep in mind that there is a two-month lag time from when I write an article until you see it in the magazine.
I am writing this article the day after Thanksgiving, but you won’t see it until late January. I tell you this because the best time to submit reports and pictures are during the months of November, December, January, and February. Please make yourself notes to submit items during the slow times, as well as when events are “in season.”
Remember, this can be anything your club has done in the last year. Just be sure to send a short write-up, as well as a couple of high-resolution pictures.
I know that AMA was founded through competition, but today, many of us are just sport fliers. I am not bashing national competition, but it is not where my passion lies. I prefer going to the field, flying for my own enjoyment, and sharing some time with friends.
This is exactly why the AMA National Fun Fly was created. This year’s dates are June 23-25. Be sure to put it on your calendar. It gives you a great reason to visit the AMA International Aeromodeling Center. Don’t forget to visit the National Model Aviation Museum while you are there.
There are many flying clubs in District VI. I visit as many clubs as my schedule allows, but there is no way I will ever be able to get to them all. Please invite me to your events and I will add them to my calendar. If my schedule allows, I just might pop in.
Introduce someone new to model aviation. This time of year, even sharing simulator time would work.
Get youth excited about model aviation because they are the future of our hobby!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI