First this month is from Kim Stricker of the Breezy Hill RC Flyers.
The 1/2A Day Fun Fly turned out to be a Control Line event. We had one day of cold, damp air, followed by a warm, sunny one. Both included plenty of engine tinkering, jokes, laughter, and great food served by club president Ronnie Shermonic. Nitro was burning and castor oil was slinging.
Leroy Cox’s tiny engines screamed, sputtered, or both, with new air-frames and old dinosaurs taking to the air. Allen Bagg had a fleet of airplanes, but had some engine problems. He did some mixing and matching with their parts, giving him a hyper-speed Combat wing to fly on Sunday. Leo’s high-performance engines hauled their airplanes around their circles, with some crazy great stunts by his Medallion .049-powered Ringmaster flying on 60-foot lines!
Allen also rounded up some prizes, with Sig Manufacturing sending a Mini Zilch kit and two bottles of Sig Bond glue. Brodak Manufacturing offered dealer cost on a Baby Clown. Mixed in with these were some balsa and foam gliders that will be given to kids who can attend our little get-togethers.
Thanks to Steven Jany and Alvin Petrowske for their continued great work in keeping Breezy Hill looking so good!

In May 2021, the Blacksheep RC Modelers club in Danville, Indiana, was selected as AMA Club of the Month. This is a huge honor. The club was selected in part for its contributions to National Model Aviation Day (NMAD) throughout the years.
Club president Rege Hall reported that 2020 was different because it was generally a club only event, “but we are hoping for a big 2021! We are very proud to be top fundraisers at our annual NMAD event. The grand total throughout the years is $46,974.”
Great job, people!
From Darwin Evelsizer, in May 22, 2021: “The new Geotex runway has been completed at the Belleville RC Flyers (BRCF) flying field. The work crew was a combination of 24 members of BRCF and the Midwest Air Wing from Granite City, Illinois. Many thanks to all who helped.

“Dan Arens and Larry Kreissler did most of the preparatory work, including driving to Cincinnati to pick up the two rolls of Geotex material. We will put sealer on the joint between the two rolls and paint some markings on after the sun has had time to shrink the material. The project was paid for entirely with donations from club members, so no money came from the club’s treasury.”
Associate Vice President Craig Greening went to the International Aeromodeling Center (IAC) in Muncie, Indiana, in May for two events that were held there. Rudy Kluiber hosted the 6th Annual Co-Op Free Flight event, a mix of classes over the two days, many of which could be flown on either day.
Aside from placing in individual events, competitors can choose six events, and scores are combined for a separate award at the end of the weekend.
The Louisville Area Soaring Society (LASS) chose to hold its DerbySoar F5J event at the IAC this year because its local field is a little tight for these models. Muncie’s location could also increase participation because it’s closer for pilots from Ohio and Michigan.
This format is two one-day events, plus an award for the highest place over the two days. The weather was perfect for both events.
Don’t forget that August 14 is the date for NMAD. To see your club in the magazine, simply send me a short write-up of your club’s event, or email me at with the word “magazine” in the subject line and attach a few high-quality digital pictures!
As always, take a youth flying and/or introduce someone new to model aviation!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI