Whoo-hoo! Summer is finally here! Remember, this is the month to say thank-you to all of our dads, both living on earth and in heaven.
Flying events are being scheduled and attended. Things are opening up and slowly going back to normal. July 30 through August 1 are the dates of the National Fun Fly 2021, in AMA District VI in Muncie, Indiana, home of the AMA!
First this month is a report from Dale Gathman, from the Fox Valley Aero Club in St. Charles, Illinois.
Our annual event, the Frozen Fingers 2021, was held on January 1 at our club’s flying field. The weather was cloudy, with a temperature of approximately 30° and wind at roughly 10 mph. The field and runway were icy.
The goal of the event is to be the first pilot to have your airplane leave the ground after the starting signal is sounded.

Pilots must then complete a minimum of one “pattern” flight approximately the length of the runway (800 feet), and land successfully. Eleven pilots and roughly 20 additional members and a few spouses came to watch the fun.
Doug Swanson again volunteered his photo skills. All of the pilots attempted to take off and fly their pattern. All but two flights were successful. Joe Pedone’s Extra 300 made the last flight that day. After the First-in-Flight trophy was presented, we lit the tree.

Rob Sampson lit the tree with a road flare. As in previous years, we started the year off right, doing what we love to do: flying and talking with our friends. Yes, we all had to wear masks and social distance, but our members’ camaraderie was worth the effort.
Philip Bean shared that the Rend Lake RC (RLRC) club held its February meeting at the Mt. Vernon, Illinois, airport. Several members got to try out the new Redbird Cessna 172 simulator, which is FAA certified and can be used for 2-1/2 hours of training for a private pilot’s license. In late March, club member Al Jones presented an older-model Byron DC-3 to the airport.

Al repaired and repainted the aircraft and added working navigation and landing lights. The model is on display as part of the recognition of the Ozark Airlines operations in the 1960s and ’70s. RLRC has a good relationship with the airport and looks for that to continue.
Dan Dierking, vice president of the Phantom Flyers RC Club in St. Charles, Missouri, shared that the club has been busy getting its field spruced up for upcoming events and flying. The weather has taken a toll on the field and the group had a clean-up day, installed security cameras and signs, repainted the outhouse, repaired the cracks on the runway, and painted the frequency board. The club’s next project will be to repair the weathered airplane stands.

To see your club in the magazine, send me a short write-up of your club’s event. Email me at AMADistrictVI.modelaircraft.org with the word “magazine” in the subject line and attach a few high-quality digital pictures!
Remember to take a youth flying and/or introduce someone new to model aviation!