Happy Thanksgiving! I have many submissions this month so I will apologize in advance for cutting them shorter than created. Remember, there are extra pictures in the digital edition of the magazine.
Submitted by John Earlywine from the Fort Wayne Flying Circuits in Fort Wayne, Indiana:
The Nick Minnick Memorial Warbirds & Classics event was held at the club field on July 26 and 27, 2019. Paul Wildey was the CD and we had outstanding weather.

Pilots and guests enjoyed Mike Lefler’s hot dogs and burgers, and after the flying we had Daryl Nicholson’s excellent pulled pork barbecue.
Next is from Nick Ziegler from the Hillsdale Country Fliers RC Club in Hillsdale, Illinois:
After many years of wanting to start my own club, I formed the Hillsdale Country Fliers. I started the club with my brother, father, and some close friends. After years of club fields constantly flooding and leaving the clique clubs, I decided it was time to get back to the roots of RC and make it 100% fun again.
Land for the flying site was donated by Black Fabrication and the company is maintaining it for us until we are up and running. The runway is 2,300 feet of smooth grass.
Members range from beginners to those with 50 years of experience, instructors, and AMA Leader Members. We plan to host all sorts of gatherings and fundraising events. I will do everything I can to continue promoting RC and keep it alive and well in our area.
From Joe Trytek of the Tri-Village RC Club in Hoffman Estates, Illinois.
Sunday, July 14, was our annual club picnic. This year had special meaning because it was in honor of Lou Matuska, a longtime member and former American Airlines captain who passed away. More than 100 people attended, including Lou’s wife and family. The club presented Lou’s family with a plaque commemorating his many contributions to our club. This was greatly appreciated by the family!

One of our members and three of his colleagues flew their full scale Stearmans over the field at noon in a missing man formation in memory of Lou. This fall, a tree will be planted at our flying field to honor Lou.
Now from Tom DeVincentis of the Mid-Missouri Radio Control Association in Columbia, Missouri.
On July 27, the club hosted its annual Summer Sizzler Fun Fly, a charity event for the Central & Northeast Missouri Food Bank Buddy Pack program. The AMA sanctioned event had 36 registered pilots, coming from as far away as Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Members donated airplanes, drones, engines, and sundries to be raffled off. There was a gourmet lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs. The event raised more than $1,850 for the Buddy Pack program through the combined totals of pilot fees, raffle ticket sales, and donations.

I encourage you to send me a submission for your club’s event! Email me at amadistrictvi@modelaircraft.org with the word “magazine” in the subject line and attach a few high-quality pictures! Also, please take the time to introduce someone to model aviation!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI