This is the second month for the new magazine format. At the time of this writing, I have not yet seen the entire January issue, only my District VI page. I like the new look of the district page and I hope you do as well!
The first submission this month comes from John Midgorden from the Kansas City Radio Control Association (KCRC) in Kansas City, Missouri.
The KCRC fliers met on Saturday, October 27, 2018, to participate in the club’s first Toys for Tots event. The weather was warm, calm, and sunny. It was one of the best days this fall.
Participants were asked to bring two unwrapped gifts for children—one for a boy and one for a girl. We received a large number of toys that were delivered the following Monday to one of the many distribution points in the Kansas City area. These gifts will be distributed at Christmas time by the Marines to needy children.
It turned out to be a great day for flying and the sky was full of both RC and Control Line models.

Next up is from Dan Piscopo of the Sedalia RC Flyers (SRCF) in Missouri.
The SRCF club hosted its first Warbirds Over Sedalia flying event and toy drive on October 20, 2018. The goal of this event was to raise 50 or more new toys to be donated to the local Salvation Army Toy Drive. Toys collected will be given to parents who otherwise could not afford to purchase their children toys this holiday season.
The weather did not cooperate on the day of the event. Sustained 25 mph wind, gusting to more than 30 mph, spoiled some pilots’ moods to fly that day. Of those attending, only a few brave souls took to the sky.
The great news is that we had a terrific potluck meal and a successful toy drive. Thanks to the generosity of the members of our neighboring RC flying clubs, our own SRCF participants, and members of the public, we took in nearly twice our toy goal the day of the event. We even received a $500 donation that was used to purchase three bikes, several sporting goods items, and a bunch more toys!
Many children’s smiles will be brighter this holiday season thanks to everyone’s generosity!
If you enjoyed this month’s submission and would like to see an event from your own club here, email me a short write-up with the word “magazine” in the subject line and attach a few high, high-quality digital pictures!

Gary Himes
Vice President District VI