AMA District VI—Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri
As published in the January 2016 issue of Model Aviation Magazine.
I hope everyone has had, or is having, a great Christmas.
I’m sure most of you by now have heard about the U.S. Department of Transportation and FAA requiring UAS registration. I wish I had more news at this point. Right now, all I know is that Rich Hanson, AMA’s government affairs representative, has been appointed to the Registration Task Force by FAA Director Michael Huerta. Please stay tuned to the AMA website or the District VI Facebook page for updates as we learn more.
Please ensure that you have your AMA number on your aircraft, or name and address inside somewhere easily accessible.
Saturday, October 10, 2015, the Bolivar Sport Flyers in Missouri held a fundraiser to help the family of club president and founding member, Adam Quennoz. Currently no one knows exactly what happened, but Adam was in a motorcycle accident, resulting in a brain injury. As of this writing, he is in a rehab facility in Atlanta. From what I have been told, he has made progress in his recovery, but has a long way to go.

Members from several surrounding clubs attended the event and the club collected $2,500. Thanks to all who attended.
Adam is a glider guider who has competed in the Nats for the last several years and is a member of the League of Silent Flight. Good luck in your recovery, Adam, and please get well soon and back to flying. Your community and club need and miss you.
This report was submitted by Contest Director Dan Kemphues.
The Champaign County Radio Control Club (CCRCC) hosted its 26th Annual Barnstormers Over Champaign (Illinois) on August 29-30, 2015, with more than 60 attendees and representatives from five states: Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
Flying started at 9 a.m. following a short pilots’ meeting where three participants were awarded trophies for attending all of our Barnstormer events for the last 26 years. These awards were presented to James Scahill from Plainfield, Illinois; Orvil Fluharty from Algonquin, Illinois; and John Howe from Woodridge, Illinois. We appreciate that these men have put up with us all these years.

awards from Dan Kemphues for 26 years of participation. Not pictured (because he slept in) was John Howe.

Flying was hot and heavy all day. Temperatures were in the 70s and the winds light. Five pilot stations were busy throughout the day, most with pilots queued. In the evening, we had an informal night fly where many pilots showed us just how bright these LEDs have gotten.
Three pilots went home very happy because they won the big prizes in the pilots’ drawing. One went home with a 55cc Top Flight Corsair, one with a Futaba 14SG radio, and another with a JR 14XG radio. Many more went home with other prizes. A great day was had by all.
The photos were taken by CCRCC member Ken Selby. More can be seen in the digital edition.
Orvil Fluharty and Jim Scahill received awards from Dan Kemphues for 26 years of participation. Not pictured (because he slept in) was John Howe.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a safe flight!