Edwin Medina, Puerto Rico Associate Vice President (AVP), started in the hobby at the age of 8 in Puerto Rico. He was a member of Miñi-Miñi RC Club (now closed), the Ceiba RC Club (now closed), the Carolina RC Club, and the Borinquen RC Club. Most of the time, he flies Scale, International Miniature Aerobatic Club, and turbine jets. He is a contest director and Intro Pilot in the Carolina RC Club.

Edwin started taking flying lessons when he was 14 years old. Now, more than 20 years later, he is an airline transport pilot with Republic Airways, flying an EMBREAR-175. He previously worked for Four Star Air Cargo in Puerto Rico, flying a Douglas DC-3 throughout the Caribbean, at Ameriflight flying a Beechcraft, Metroliner, and an EMBREAR-120.
“Thanks to this amazing hobby, I’m the pilot that I am today,” wrote Edwin. “That’s why I love to teach and help the younger RC pilots to get to their dreams!”

Paul Verger, Mississippi AVP, was flying Control Line (CL) when he was 7 years old. He won four CL state championships when he was approximately 20 years old. He has been an AMA member since 1955 and still flies a little CL.
In 1968, Paul started flying RC models, and most of his time was spent flying RC Aerobatics (Pattern). In 1986, he placed second in Masters Pattern at the Nats. Paul also won the National Society of Radio Control Aerobatics District Championship several times. He currently flies Sport Aerobatics with a lot of Extra 260s and 300s, 50 and 10cc, as well as a few warbirds.
Paul recently stepped down as vice president of the Mississippi Coast RC Club, after having served as a club officer for most of the last 22 years. He has been an AVP for the past 11 years.

Dave Wenzel, Georgia AVP, started flying CL at age 13 and continued throughout high school. In roughly 1970, he started flying RC and entered several contests on the East Coast and competed in the 1983 and 1985 Nats in Massachusetts. Dave has served in several club officer positions including president in the New Jersey-Philadelphia area. In 2002, he moved to Georgia and joined a local club where he again served as president in addition to other offices.
Not long after, Dave returned to his roots and resumed CL flying. He has flown in a few contests, but likes to judge events even more. He judged at the Nats one year and soon discovered another position that needed filled—pit boss. Dave has served as pit boss for the last four Nats and will do so again this year.
“[Being an] associate vice president of AMA has been very rewarding,” wrote Dave. “Being a part of an organization that has promoted things that I have been doing since 1961, and meeting and talking to some of the greatest people who enjoy the same is priceless. I enjoy working for the AMA members.”