Great work by the Magnificent Mountain Men Club of Colorado. The following report comes from the club’s newsletter editor, Rick Pangell.
“Thanks to Darold Jones’ good work, we have a great relationship with the Manitou Springs High School (MSHS). Mike Talbott, MSHS physics teacher, approached Darold to give his students a model airplane experience. Darold arranged for John McGrath of Laser Cut Planes to provide his Mountain Lion kits for the project, and then he rounded up helpers, Don DeLoach, Chuck Etherington, and me.

“We had eight students and the total construction time was about 45 minutes. After assembly, it was off to the gym for flying. Asking the students if they were surprised by how well the models flew, all said they were. We had a mass launch duration contest that was exciting and fun. The contest had to go a second round because there was a tie for first place. I suspect that there were approximately 100 flights made that afternoon.
“And the really good news? MSHS principal Glenn Hard and others came to watch the students fly. Not only were they impressed, they saw exactly what we do when we are in the gym. This will pay off for us when we ask to use the gym for other indoor activities.”
On February 10, 2018, a special event took place for the Northern Hills Flyers in Spearfish, South Dakota. AMA member Lisa McPherson wedded AMA member Del Meyer. It seems Del was a great intro pilot and instructor, and that is how the two met.
Del mentored Lisa in her RC pilot training with the club. It wasn’t long before another relationship blossomed and the two were married roughly a year after they became acquainted at the field.
Our best wishes to Del and Lori as newlyweds, and clear skies for flying.

The Bismarck Aero Modelers (BAM) in Bismarck, North Dakota, held its annual Flurry Fest Indoor Fly in February. The site is the Fore Seasons Golf Center, which is an indoor driving range. This picture might give you a sense of how big the space is. A local news station came to cover the story.
I attended this event as I have for the last few years. It is a really great time and I managed to get a lot of flying in without too many repairs to do when I got home. Thanks to the BAM club for the hospitality, good food, and prizes. I already have it on my list for next year.

District IX Vice President (605) 390-3878