AMA District IX — Wyoming, Nebraska, North Dakota,
Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota
As published in the April 2016 issue of Model Aviation Magazine.
By the time you read this, Congress should have addressed the Special Rule for Model Aircraft (Section 336 of the Reauthorization Bill), which outlines our place in the national airspace.
I mention it here to tell you that the Executive Council’s “fly-in” to Washington, D.C., to meet with legislators and staffers was certainly an eye-opener. We broke into small groups, and my group visited 18 offices in the House and the Senate during our two-day trip.
Bad weather in Washington turned out to be a plus because those who were there had more time to talk to us. We did our best to preach the merits of Section 336 and pitch the small changes that would ensure our future.

Some whom we visited knew our position and supported us. Some just politely nodded and smiled. I hope that, by the time you read this, our efforts there will have will have proven fruitful. Regardless, I was proud to be your District IV representative at these meetings. Time will tell if our efforts keep our hobby/passion viable in the face of the troubling regulatory attitudes that pervade our government.
The other reason for republishing the previous picture is to prove to those doubters that I do own a suit. Keep this picture. It will probably be the last time you see me in it.
I had some reports from New Year’s Day events that missed last month’s deadline. Here is the first from Wyoming District IX Associate Vice President Steve Spier on the Cheyenne Radio Control Club’s (CRCC) New Year’s Challenge.

There were only four brave souls who had the courage to handle the CRCC New Year’s Challenge. With a brisk 10 mph wind sending the windchill far below the 17° temperature, no one blamed those who opted for the warmth of home and hearth. However, to those who did partake of some short flights, hot beverages, and the warmth of the shelter, my hat is off to you even though you, so smartly, kept yours tightly buttoned. Thanks to Paul Wise for the pictures.
Here is the second report from Mark Sullivan, the newsletter editor of the Fremont R/C Flying Club (FCRCC), in Fremont, Colorado.
We had lots of great action happening on New Year’s Day for the club’s annual Nitro-Chili-Burn. I was excited to, once again, see the support from the surrounding club members who were in attendance––there were more folks from out of town than there were FCRCC members. There were lots of spectators too, due in part to the great noontime air show put on by the local EAA chapter and skydiving group.
The chili was a great hit with everyone, because the early morning wind was quite brisk. Later on it died down, the sun came out, and some folks even shed their heavy coats and gloves as things warmed up.
Thanks to all of the pilots, skydivers, EAA members, Sky Corral members, Pikes Peak Fliers members, and all of the spectators and townsfolk whose presence made this a wonderful success.

I hope to see you at the District IX general membership meeting, held during Jefco’s Wings Over Denver event at Chatsfield State Park in Denver, June 10-12, 2016.

District IX Vice President