AMA District IX — Wyoming, Nebraska, North Dakota,
Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota
As published in the December 2015 issue of Model Aviation magazine.
Brian O’Meara’s annual event, Warbirds Over the Rockies, was again hosted by the Arvada Associated Modelers (AAM). Colorado Associate Vice President (AVP) Rick McCaskill and I were able to be part of the festivities this year along with approximately 100 registered pilots. Great weather and great hosts made for a memorable few days. I am looking forward to next year.
Thank you to Jim Shaw for letting us hang his Proctor Jenny in our AMA booth. The Jenny is another in the list of Jim’s outstanding building projects.
On the weekend of August 15, 2015, the RC Barnstormers of Hillsdale Lake, Kansas, hosted the 2015 John Ostmeyer Memorial Scale Fly-In. This event was a tribute to John Ostmeyer, an active club member, who was lost recently in a motorcycle accident. John ran the Mid- States Scale Classic Contest, a Scale master qualifier, at Barnstormer Field for more than 20 years, so it is only fitting that this Scale event is a tribute to him.
Pilots came from across the Midwest to fly and celebrate John’s life. John’s brother, wife, and sons attended. Proceeds from the event went to the Brain Injury Association of America.
I was unhappy to hear that Kendall Baerg, my South Dakota AVP, was moving, but I am happy to announce his able replacement. Let me introduce Arend Schuurman, from Brookings, South Dakota. Here are a few words from Arend:
“Greetings from your new AVP from South Dakota, Arend Schuurman. I work at 3M, and serve as a volunteer firefighter as well as a volunteer EMT. My modeling career began about 1988. All of my fun started with a Sig Kadet Jr. Since that time, my collection of flying machines has grown to include airplanes of all sizes, helicopters, and more recently multicopters. I look forward to being a representative for all modelers, especially South Dakotans.”

Wayne H. Nyberg, 80, of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, passed away July 8, 2015. Wayne was a longtime member of the 95th Street Flying Group and Kansas City Radio Club. His family and friends are donating his model collection to the AMA Foundation.

District IX Vice President