Club Bylaws

Organizational bylaws usually deal with such items as name, purpose, membership, dues, officers and their duties, executive committee, safety matters, meeting place and time, order of business, and how to amend the bylaws. If your club has an issue unique to your area, this issue should be addressed within the bylaws. This puts the club (and its officers) in a position to handle its own business and it gives AMA a better way to assist the club when and if there is a need.

Problems arise when club bylaws are poorly written or are not followed. This leaves the club, and occasionally even AMA, in a quandary. Sometimes problems stem from issues between club members and at other times between the club and outside groups.

Bylaws cannot include every item of concern. Some issues can be dealt with on an as-needed basis in the regular meetings. Others might need to be addressed on a more permanent basis, so it is important that club bylaws include an official amendment process. It’s a good idea to periodically review and evaluate your bylaws to see if any updates are needed.

Share your bylaws with all of your club members so everyone is aware of your club’s appropriate protocols and processes. If you update your bylaws, please make sure you send a copy of the new version to AMA’s club secretary so that we can add it to your club records and have it available if a question or situation arises.

AMA is not attempting to tell clubs how to run their day-to-day operations. However, we are sharing our experiences and lessons learned in order that our clubs may operate more efficiently and effectively.


  1. Our Club has found our bylaws to be in much needed improvement when we were dealing with a problem member. Any examples of ways and wording to make necessary changes would be appreciated?

    1. Aside from the general recommendations (AMA Web Document 535-A) we don’t have any wording suggestions. However, give us a call at (765) 287-1256 and ask for Ilona Maine at extension 251. She may be able to assist the club in drafting their own/needed wording.

  2. You state “If you update your bylaws, please make sure you send a copy of the new version to AMA’s club secretary” – can you provide the email link to the AMA Club secretary?

  3. I am glad you shared this, Our Club is running fine, but it’s a good idea to revisit our Bylaws once in a while. Thanks

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