The Hampton Roads Radio Control Club recently held the sixth Toys for Tots Fun Fly at their field in Suffolk, Virginia. Their efforts paid off, as they raised over $2,800 dollars and approximately $3,000 worth of toys for the local Toys for Tots Program. Over 60 pilots registered and over 80 airplanes were on display on the cold and windy November day.
As an added bonus, the Hampton Roads Radio Control club worked with Mr. Jerry Yagen, President of the Military Aviation Museum located in Virginia Beach, VA to provide the crowd with multiple low pass flyovers in his vintage P51 Mustang
The event started with a Marine Sergeant raising of the colors. A candy drop was also conducted which all the kids enjoyed. Food was also provided with at no cost, with the club only asking for donations. The day also included raffle prizes.
Overall the event was a great success, and one that received media attention that will grant the club an award from the Club Recognition and Reward program. To learn more about how your club can earn between $100 and $300 for holding an event and receiving media attention click here.