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Camp AMA Safety Measures

The staff here at AMA HQ are looking forward to Camp AMA 2023! The Education Team frequently discusses preparations for Camp at our weekly meetings so that we can ensure that campers have an amazing week here in Muncie, Indiana.

One important aspect of Camp that we talk about a lot, which you might not think much about, is safety.

Safety is of the utmost importance at Camp. It is important to us to keep campers safe; not just because we know that the adults at home would be understandably upset if their campers were not safe, but because we feel that keeping campers safe and healthy is one of the fundamentals of camp.

In order to ensure the safety of campers, we make sure that all adults working at the camp are safe, reliable mentors. The AMA does this by requiring that all adults who work at the camp have a background check. Even current AMA employees who work at Camp will undergo an annual background check in order to ensure that campers are kept safe.

But it's not just the adults, mentors, and instructors who can keep Camp safe. We here at AMA have high expectations for our campers. Prior to their attendance at Camp, campers are sent a Code of Conduct that they must sign to agree to our expectations.

These expectations include:

  • Being safe by following our safety code, listening to staff, and looking out for yourself and others.
    • Campers must follow basic safety rules of flying, such as, but not limited to, calling out intentions, being aware of other aircraft that are flying, no taxying into the pit areas, etc.
  • No possession or consumption of alcohol, tobacco or similar substances, illegal drugs, or other dangerous substances.
  • Acting appropriately towards other campers.
  • Wearing appropriate clothing for the conditions.
  • Using technology in an appropriate matter.
  • Being respectful of fellow campers, instructors, and staff members,
  • Exhibiting good sportsmanship and remaining truthful.
  • Using appropriate language and exhibiting kind behavior towards others.
    • No foul language, no bullying, etc.
  • No behavior that threatens staff or campers.
  • No theft.
  • Treating all individuals, equipment, and supplies with care and respect.

It is important to note that safety includes comfort and enjoyment. We want all our campers to feel safe and comfortable at Camp on top of their enjoyment.

Model plane and transmitter.
Campers prepare to launch their models.
Campers build and repair their planes.
An attendee at Camp AMA 2018 throws a model plane.

If you want to check out any pictures from our former Camp AMA experiences, you can find these photos on our Flickr page. We have plenty of recent Camp AMA albums for you to check out: Camp AMA 2017, Camp AMA 2018, Camp AMA 2019, Camp AMA 2021, and Camp AMA 2022.

A model plane.
Two AMA instructors demonstrate flight.
Campers gather around the campfire after a day of flying. Campers talk and prepare to fly a plane.

If you have any questions regarding Camp AMA, please feel free to reach out to the AMA Education Team at [email protected].