District VI received four Take-off And Grow (TAG) Grant requests this year. Every year, each district is given $2,000 to award to clubs to help fund events that will help the club and AMA grow. The maximum grant that can be given to any one club is $1,000. It is up to the district vice president to award that money as he or she sees fit.
This year, all four of the requests are for clubs doing good—no great—things with programs including the Northern Knights of Kansas City’s Air Planes Galore family event. The Henry County Wright Flyers of Missouri’s Buddy and Fly and Build and Fly events bring together an anticipated 300 youth. There is also the Sedalia R/C Flyers of Missouri’s, Learn to Fly program, and the Rend Lake RC Club in Ina, Illinois, sponsors, a Kids Camp program and does work with Rend Lake College.
All of these programs are deserving of funds, which helps me make the decision to split the funds evenly four ways. Each club will receive $500. Additionally, I have purchased a few Apprentice trainers that will be given to these clubs to help them train new pilots.
Last year, the AMA Executive Council voted to disperse funds that cannot be used by some districts to districts that can use them. I’m not holding my breath, but if there are any excess funds this year, we might be able to increase the amount that our district can grant.
I was lucky enough to attended AMA Expo East, the AMA’s newest show. This event was organized with very short notice (three months), but I have to say that AMA Expo Event Manager Lora Knowlton, and the AMA staff, hit this out of the park.
AMA Ambassador and astronaut Robert “Hoot” Gibson speaking at AMA Expo East.
More than 60 vendors were on display at the show. All of the comments I heard from attendees and vendors were positive. The guest speakers were great as well. It was the first time that I got to hear AMA Ambassador and astronaut Robert “Hoot” Gibson. I now understand why he has been chosen as an AMA spokesperson. He is a modeler, a naval fighter aviator, test pilot, five-time space shuttle commander, and a Reno Air Race winner. He is also very down to earth and spent time talking to our members and signing posters.
I recently worked with Jim Tiller, District IX vice president, in our second joint district leadership meeting, held in Kansas City, Missouri. We worked with club leaders to discuss anything from AMA policies, to ways of growing your club, to FAA issues. It was a productive meeting with more than 30 members present.
Later that same evening, my wife and I were invited by Duane Hulen to attend the Kansas City Radio Control Club appreciation dinner. Duane is the club’s president. It was a very nice, family-oriented event, with great food and camaraderie.
After eating and presenting awards to outgoing officers and other special members, they had a special guest speaker from Whiteman Air Force Base (AFB). Capt. Kellie Maloney enlightened us on the life of a Predator drone pilot who flies aircraft on the other side of the world. Kellie gave a very interesting presentation.
It is my understanding that they were able to have her presentation scheduled through the Whiteman AFB Public Affairs office.