John Kallend, of the Suburban Aero Club (SAC) of Chicago, offered this report:
We participated in the Cook County Forest Preserve District event in the heart of downtown Chicago (Daley Plaza) on June 4, with a static display. Here are three SAC members with County Board President Toni Preckwinkle.

Jeff Thomas reported from the Indianapolis RC Modelers:
We hosted our second annual EDF Jet Spring Fling Fly-In. The event turned out to be held on a very tough weather day—15 to 25 mph gusty crosswinds were 90° to the runway and there were some early day rain threats!
The weather kept the registered pilot count down and truly tested the piloting skills of those who flew. Event trophies included Best of Show, Top Speed, Best Aerobatic Performance, Best Group Flight, and Best Mayday. Only 19 pilots and 35 aircraft registered because of the threatening weather, but we pressed forward and had several good flights. A grand prize of a Motion RC PJ50 business jet was awarded, and Fan Jets USA sponsored the event and provided an RBC Kits 90mm F-4 Phantom kit.

Dale Arvin reported on the 2024 annual Wings for Kids event:
The River City Radio Controllers, from Louisville, Kentucky, held its annual Wings for Kids fundraiser in support of the Norton Children’s Hospital air wing. The event featured local RC fliers and some from surrounding states. There were acrobatic RC airplanes and helicopters, as well as Scale World War I and II aircraft and general aviation RC models and jets.
Hundreds of kids enjoyed the airplanes, bounce houses, the AMA simulator trailer, a candy drop, raffles, and tours of an ambulance and the Norton Hospital helicopter. In the past 22 years of the event, the club has raised more than $500,000.

Bill Bolz, from the Midwest Sundowners R/C Club in northwestern Indiana, reported the following:
The third annual Electric Fly/Swap was held on May 25. A beautiful blue sky and light wind graced us. We had 21 registered pilots and nine swappers. Open flying was held until 1 p.m. when we had fun-fly competitions. The club raffle was won by our chef, Greg Popp. I flew at least eight training flights and we signed up two new members at the event. A surprise birthday party was held for Shirley Rainford, the owner of our beautiful flying field.

Let’s hear from your club! Send me a 150-word description of your club’s event, along with a couple of pictures. Email it to Keep in mind, pictures must be at least 500 KB stand-alone jpg files.
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI