Reported by Tim Townsend, AMA Chartered club Lake Ozark Radio Control Society, in Eldon, Missouri, held its annual Profile Brotherhood (ProBro) event on September 8-9, 2023, and a great time was had by all who attended. The weather was perfect and the food was amazing. A big thank-you to all who helped with the event, and to Shannon McDonald and Carolyn Noyes for their hard work preparing the meals. The food at these events has become something of a tradition.
The flying was fantastic, all the way into the night under the lights for some 3D flying and full-contact combat with the foam pizza box flyers. These events have grown from the original profile fuselage type of airplanes to incorporate many other types of RC models, including Giant Scale, gas-powered, 3D aircraft to biplanes and even turbine-powered jets.
The ProBro lives on and gets better every year.

I was short on submissions this month, so I am going to tell you about my home club, the Kansas City Northern Knights Model Airplane Club. Every October, we hold our fall event at a private airfield. Our host has a full-scale private airstrip and welcomes us with open arms. The host allows us to use hangar space to store our aircraft overnight.
This three-day event is family oriented, with families camping and sharing meals on-site. Of course, our hosts are always invited to join us with every meal. There is a 5-acre pond, so we can enjoy float-flying, flying off of the runway, and even night flying. This year, we had live music courtesy of The Country Music Makers. I look forward to attending this unique event every year. There is only one downside: It signals the end of flying season!

I want to see your pictures and hear about your club’s events. I will share your club’s event or even just a fun day of flying in my column. Simply write a 150-word description of the event, along with a couple of pictures. Email everything to with the word “magazine” in the subject line. Keep in mind that the pictures must be at least a 500 KB standalone JPG file.
To help our hobby grow, each one of us needs to take time to introduce someone new to model aviation. Getting youth excited about model aviation is an added bonus because they are the future of our hobby, as well as future workers in aviation-related industries!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI