Doug Brindle reported that the Johnson County RC Modelers in Indiana hosted its 16th annual Boyd Helstrom Memorial Warbird Fly-In on July 16, 2023. Boyd, a U.S. Air Force veteran, was a well-loved and active club member for many years.
Twenty registered pilots scrambled their aircraft during the day, skillfully defending the airfield and a clear sky overhead from attacking airplanes, with models representing both World Wars and the modern jet era.

The raffle prize, a Spitfire, was won by club member Wayne Roller, who graciously presented it to a local, enthusiastic young man who attended the event. Come join the fun at next year’s event and enjoy the club’s world-class flying site.

Kurt Larson reported that on July 18, 2023, the Tinley Creek Remote Control club in Matteson, Illinois, hosted a local Scout troop to experience RC flight. The outing was well received, with nine Scouts and their parents. The weather was perfect, and everyone was able to fly via a buddy-box setup. “I love seeing young people who are interested in our hobby,” said Kurt.

Tim Killion reported that McCauley Field is the home of the Ozark Mountain Barnstormers RC Airplane Club, which got together to celebrate National Model Aviation Day:
“John Knowles, president of the club, said that the group celebrates this event every August and it’s just a time for us to get together and invite other clubs to come and fly with us and just have a good time.
“We had 18 pilots and lots of visitors, so it was a good turnout. Some of the airplanes you can buy are already built, and then others like to build the airplanes from scratch out of kits. Some of these models are thousands of dollars. An average airplane is $200 or $300. I started out when I was a teenager. A lot of these guys are pilots or military, so that’s where they got interested in flying models.
“Airplanes varied in shapes, sizes, and even time periods. One was a model from World War I and another was a replica of the airplane Amelia Earhart flew when she was lost at sea in 1937. Pilots also varied in age. Many were older, but the youngest pilot was 11 years old.”
It is Thanksgiving time once again. Please take time to enjoy family and friends, and give thanks for all that we/you have! This is a great time to introduce someone new to model aviation, put a youth on a buddy box, or give them some simulator time.
This time of the year is a perfect time to get your club in the magazine. Send me a short write-up of your club’s event(s) and send it via email to with the word “magazine” in the subject line. Include a few high-quality digital pictures!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI