Here we are in December already! This is the time of year when we celebrate with family and friends. I ask that we all celebrate responsibly and please remember the real reason for the season! I pray that 2023 will be better for all us and our families! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to each of you and your families.
Gary Koester reported that on September 10, 2022, the Aurora Barnstormers hosted the third annual Chi Town West Heli Fun-Fly in Aurora, Illinois. The event was dedicated to a member with cancer. The club raffled off an Align T-Rex 700 donated by the member, and the proceeds were donated to the club. The pilots enjoyed nice weather.

Mike Morton, of the Henderson Radio Control Model Airplane Club in Kentucky, reported on his club’s annual fly-in. Roughly 47 pilots registered throughout the multiday event—50% more than last year! Every day, airplanes and a few quadcopters filled the sky, with a large variety of sport aircraft, electrics, glow, gas, warbirds, and just fun airplanes. The evening ended with airplanes still in the air at nearly dark, and then night fliers were out for a while. The last official day of the fly-in was Saturday, but some pilots stayed through Monday.
District VI Associate Vice President John Fischer shared two reports this month. The Streator R/C Flyers in Illinois hosted its Fall Scramble Warbirds and Classics. Held September 15-17, 2022, it was a tremendous success. Fifty pilots attended the event, and the weather was fantastic. The flying site is located in the farm fields west of Streator, Illinois. The club president, Mike Fitzpatrick, made everyone feel comfortable and safe.
John also reported that the Rosewood RC Flyers Club in Southern Indiana hosted its fifth annual Warbirds and Classics of the Bluegrass, held September 22-24, 2022. A total of 56 pilots attended the event. Event chairs, Allen Whitaker and John McDill, did a great job.
The club has two large shelters with electric power. The goal of the event was for everyone to have fun. This gathering is one of eight held in the upper Midwest that are collectively known as the Warbirds and Classics Alliance. Visit the website at
Jeff Thomas reported that on September 24, the Indianapolis RC Modelers Club held its annual All-Electric Fly-In, Fun-Fly, and Swap Meet event at the club’s Morristown field. This is the club’s largest event of the year. There were 40 registered pilots, 100 airplanes, and 75 people in attendance.
Two of the youngest, newest pilots who came out of the club’s AMA Intro Flight Program (thanks to an AMA grant) taught the old pilots how to do it! Noah Meurer won the Top Gun Prop Carrier landing award, Eli Meurer won the overall Top Gun Pilot award with the highest total fun-fly event score, and Jeff Thomas (an older pilot) won the Top Gun EDF Jet trophy.

Robert Sifleet reported that members of the Central Indiana Aeromodellers (CIA) of Anderson, Indiana, dominated the Free Flight (FF) electric events at the 2022 Nats.
Phillip Calvert won Electric A and David Sechrist won F1S Electric. David also placed second in F1Q Electric. Robert won Electric B and F1Q Electric. He also placed third in F1S and fifth in E36 Electric. Robert was awarded the High Point Championship for Electric FF classes.
The CIA welcomes new members. Our members work together to advance competitive FF.
Please help get youth excited about model aviation. They are the future of our hobby.
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI