First is a report from Jacob Miller, a District VI member who attended Camp AMA held in Muncie, Indiana:
I was unsure of what to expect, but after only 5 minutes, all of my concerns disappeared. Almost instantly, another camper came up to me and asked what airplanes I had brought and what I wanted to improve in my modeling skills.
We all shared the same passions and interests and it was as though we had been friends for years. No matter the region, skill level, or background, we all shared the same love for modeling.
I had brought my Styrofoam Sky Surfer that was held together with rubber bands and duct tape. I also brought an antique balsa model that I had bought at a garage sale. I learned more about designing and building airplanes than I had ever imagined.
The campers who shared my interests, the counselors who taught tips and tricks, and the instructors who could answer all of the questions, were my favorite parts. I enjoyed the newcomers to the modeling world who gave me the opportunity to pass on what I learned! I have lifelong memories!

John Kallend reported that the Suburban AeroClub of Chicago held a 4-hour static show at Daley Plaza in downtown Chicago, right by the Picasso sculpture. In addition to interacting with a large number of people, they met with the president of the Cook County Board and head of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, which hosts nine model flying sites in the county.
Darryl Miller shared that the Sky Kings RC club of Webb City, Missouri, hosted its second fun-fly and swap meet of the season. The weather was beautiful with light wind. More than 25 pilots, many local spectators, and visitors from surrounding states, enjoyed the flying of a wide variety of aircraft throughout the day.
This fly-in was a great chance to find good deals on RC airplanes and accessories that were offered for sale or trade by many in attendance. Club President Thane Snider cooked up some of his popular hot dogs at lunch for the crowd!
Ted Brindle reported that in 2021, the Indianapolis RC Modelers received a Take off And Grow (TAG) grant from AMA. The club purchased two AeroScout trainers, transmitters, and batteries. Several club members have become Introductory Pilots in the AMA program and have done many introductory flights and trained new club members.
The club hosted a group from the Greenfield, Indiana, the Bethel Baptist Church Home-school Co-Op, and offered introductory flights to both kids and parents. Everyone had a great time.
Mark Eckert wrote: Huntington, Indiana, hosts its annual summer Heritage Days festival in June and the Huntington County Modelers Club uses it as a promotional tool for recruitment. This year, they again built a parade entry and held an open house to advertise free flying lessons using a buddy-box setup and an AeroScout.
Various flying demonstrations took place throughout the day as well. The parade entry wore banners listing the club’s website and instantly drew a huge increase in web traffic. Prospective new members have been scheduling dates to make their first flights.
John McDill reported that the 50th Annual Mint Julep Scale Meet was hosted by the Rosewood RC Flyers in Rosewood, Indiana. Dale Arvin was the contest director (CD) and Jeremy Arvin was co-CD.
In addition to being a National Association of Scale Aeromodelers event, it was held in memory of Dale’s wife, Mary, who was remembered throughout the event. Fun Scale, Jet Turbine, and Fun Scale Electric Foamie classes were added. Pilots came from as far away as Alabama.

Please help get youth excited about model aviation. They are the future of our hobby!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI