It’s August already? This summer is just flying by! For most parts of the country, August is the hottest month of the year. When you are out flying, please drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and have fun.
First up this month is Mark Eckert, from the Huntington County Modelers Club in Huntington County, Indiana. The club started a meet and greet at the local library once a month that features model airplanes and cars on display and question-and-answer sessions with the public.

It had coverage in the local newspaper. Lyla Spath wrote the article and took the photos of Mark with his Opterra and some of the display items, as well as one of Club Safety Director Dan Jackson’s Old-Timer model.

The club plans to continue these monthly gatherings as a way to garner interest in the hobby from the general public. These face-to-face meetings are a good way to do that. The club also has a parade float in the local Heritage Days Festival, along with an open house at the field with buddy-box flying. Last year, more than 40 new pilots went up on buddy-box flights, including the city’s mayor.
Marc Marcum reported that on May 14 and 15, 2022, the Louisville Area Soaring Society and the Hardin County Radio Control Modelers jointly hosted Kentucky’s first F5J Tour Event in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. They had a great turnout with 28 pilots from 10 states. Many of the pilots were among the best in our hobby. The weather was varied with strong wind and a few clouds the first day.
The second day was perfect with light wind and multiple-size thermals. After 12 rounds, the winners were determined, with first place going to Jim McCarthy, second place to Brady Baggs, and third place to Ed Dumas.

They were happy to have spectators from the local community, as well as coverage by the local paper, The News Enterprise.
In every column, I ask people to introduce someone new to model aviation. Here is Warren Bjork’s answer to my request.
Come Fly With Us is a Community Education class offered by School District 214 in Arlington Heights, Illinois. If you want to learn how to fly RC airplanes, or if you are a seasoned veteran and want to hone your skills during the winter months, this is a class for you. We meet on Mondays during the school year at Forest View Educational Center on Goebbert Road in Arlington Heights. Our “classroom” is the field-house, where we fly small and medium-size electric RC airplanes in any weather.
To get your club’s event or even just a fun day of flying into my column, simply write a 150-word description of the event, along with a couple of pictures! Email them to me at with the word “magazine” in the subject line. Please remember that pictures must be at least 500 KB standalone .jpg file.
Help get youth excited about model aviation.
They are the future of our hobby!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI