The 2022 AMA National Fun Fly is now only weeks away! The dates are June 24-26.
As I have mentioned before, I must write my column two months in advance. I did not get any club input in March, but I did attend the Jim Richmond Open Free Flight (FF) contest in West Baden Springs, Indiana. National Free Flight Society President David Lindley set up the event, while Contest Director Rey Mazzocco took care of registration and running the event. Rey did a spectacular job of keeping everything going smoothly.
This was my first time to attend an Indoor FF event. To say that I was impressed is an understatement. I cannot believe the lightness of these models and their flying times. There is definitely a lot of applied science to achieve the long flight times.
I was also impressed by the number of youth participating in the event. Enough of my chatter and on to pictures of the event.

Please email me about your club’s event(s) or even just a fun day of flying! Send it to with the word “magazine” in the subject line. Please remember that pictures must be at least a 500 KB standalone JPG file. Please get a youth excited about model aviation!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI