Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!
For me, this is the official start of building season. I also start planning events for my club to host, as well as plan which clubs I might visit in the new year.
While planning your calendar, don’t forget the National Fun Fly that will be held at the International Aeromodeling Center in Muncie, Indiana. The scheduled dates are June 24-26, 2022. Hopefully COVID-19 will be eliminated in 2022!
First off is John Clauson reporting on the Sky Knights Aeromodeling Team’s night flight on September 27, which included purchased and scratch-built aircraft.
We try to have a night flight near each full moon, but this one was immediately after our monthly club meeting. So far there have been no UFO sightings reported during these flights.

Our field is located near Mundelein, Illinois, and our website is www.skyknightsrc.org.
Steve Smith reported that on September 18-19, 2021, the Lafayette Esquadrille club in Missouri held its 34th annual Broken Arrow Control Line Stunt and Scale contest at Buder Park in St. Louis County. There was a great turnout of 22 pilots from Kentucky, Tennessee. Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and Texas.
On Saturday, they held the Scale events, as well as Profile, Old-Time, and Classic/Nostalgia 30 Stunt events. Sunday events were all Precision Aerobatics Model Pilots Association Stunt classes, with Expert having the most pilots. The weather was excellent and everyone who attended had a great time.
The club is looking forward to hosting Broken Arrow number 35 on its traditional weekend in September 2022.

This picture is an electric-powered Stunt model. You can also see some of the field and other participants in the background.

AMA has many benefits if you take time to find them. One is the AMA Scholarship program. If you are or know of someone who is in college, be sure and check it out.
At the district level, I like to send a youth to Camp AMA. Camp is designed for youth (male or female) ages 13 to 17. The person can be at any experience level, from just learning to fly to advanced aerobatics. Camp includes lodging and meals. If you know of any interested youth, please let me know. I will pay the camp fee for a young person to attend, but parents would be responsible for transportation.
I believe aircraft can be furnished or attendees can bring their own. If you know of a candidate, email me with “Camp AMA” in the subject line.
I prefer to print in my column pictures and short write-ups about all of the wonderful clubs throughout District VI, but I need your input to realize this vision. This time of year, I am always short on district submissions. I am asking you to reminisce about an event your club had this past year and give me a short description, attach a few high-quality digital pictures, and email me at amadistrictVI@modelaircraft.org with the word “magazine” in the subject line.
Please take time to introduce someone new to model aviation. At this time of year, even sharing simulator time would work!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI