Scott Pieper reported on the annual warbird and classic event that was held by the Tri-County RC Club in Mattoon, Illinois, on June 13, 2021. Many P-47s showed up at the event, and we flew four at a time. The club’s $10 landing fee included a grilled lunch and drinks. It was a great time.

Steve Spraggs reported that the Paducah Aero Modelers club in Paducah, Kentucky, held its Take off And Grow (TAG) event on June 12-13, 2021. This event introduced the model aviation hobby to the community. This included static model aircraft displays, workshops on the construction and controls of aircraft, and computer flight simulators for a hands-on preflight experience before taking flight with a certified AMA Introductory Pilot instructor.
Presentations on the basics of flight were offered throughout the day. Children received balsa gliders and a hands-on flight experience. We had five AMA Introductory Pilot instructors. Approximately 60 kids and adults took flight. Admission was free to the public.

Ken Achee attended the AMA National Fun Fly and reported that James Hubbell did a fantastic job of instructing on a buddy box. Visit to see more pictures.
Rege Hall, of the Blacksheep R/C Modelers of Danville, Indiana, reported that the club’s 2021 National Model Aviation Day benefited the Hoosier Veterans Assistance Foundation by raising more than $5,500. It was held on August 14. The event started with the national anthem and raising the American flag by four club members who served our country, followed by a flyover. A special thanks goes to Indy Bipes.

The squadron made a second pass, performing the missing man formation with smoke on. As three of the biplanes shut off their smoke, the Stearman remained with smoke on as it pulled up and away from the formation, honoring our fallen members. The RC flying commenced with airplanes in the air at all times. We had lots of raffle prizes. The younger kids enjoyed candy drops, parachute drops, and balsa wood gliders. We had more than 300 spectators.
Ralph Doyle reported that the Spirit of St. Louis RC Flying Club held a fly-in supporting AMA’s National Model Aviation Day. Club president Ralph Grant was hard at work supplying burgers and hot dogs to the pilots. Twenty-one registered pilots flew more than 70 flights. Electric power outnumbered nitro/gas by roughly four to one.
It is nearly Thanksgiving again. Please take time to enjoy family and friends. Give thanks for all that we/you have! This is a great time to introduce someone new to model aviation, put a youth on a buddy box, or give him or her some simulator time.
Send me a short write-up of your club’s event at with the word “magazine” in the subject line. Attach a few high-quality digital pictures!
Please make time to take a youth flying or introduce someone new to model aviation!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI