Frank Noyes reported that the Lake Ozark Radio Control Society in Eldon, Missouri, had its annual Cancer Fly on June 5, 2021. The club raised $5,421 to be donated to the American Cancer Society. The event hosted 32 pilots.

Frank wrote, “Thanks to donations, we had a huge raffle with 25-plus prebuilt models and many kits and field supplies. There was a lunch of fried chicken, ham sandwiches, and desserts. Light wind, sunshine, and warm temperatures made for a great flying day, and there were no crashes of any significance. Thanks to all of the participants and donations for your support of the American Cancer Society!”
James Hubbell reported that the 18th Annual ShowMe ProBro event was held June 18-20, 2021, in Bolivar, Missouri.

“We had a great turnout with 29 registered pilots from across the area, including several youth pilots. The weather cooperated, other than being a little hot, but we did not have any rain and the wind was manageable. Although this is a Profile event, we had a wide range of models and we had aircraft in the air nearly all of the time. Flying started in the morning and went late into the evening.
“Those who arrived on Friday enjoyed a Mexican dinner early that evening then returned to the field for more flying. On Saturday, after our raffle, we had great grilled chicken dinner cooked up by a few of the club members and desserts provided by many of the fliers or their significant others.
“A good time was had by everyone and we look forward to the 19th Annual ShowMe ProBro Father’s Day weekend in 2022.”
David Kern shared that on July 17, the Fort Wayne Flying Circuits hosted the Circuits Aviation Day Open House to provide instruction to young and aspiring pilots for a buddy-box experience. He stated that there was good weather and great attendance.

Dale Arvin, AMA District VI associate vice president (AVP), was inducted into the National Association of Scale Aeromodelers R/C Scale Hall of Fame at the AMA RC and Control Line Scale Nats in June.
Dale has been a modeler for more than 64 years and in addition to being an AVP, he is an AMA Leader Member, contest director (CD), and Scale Contest Board member. Dale has been an AMA RC Scale Nats CD for many years and has been associated with the Mint Julep Scale Meet for 49 years.
It’s the time of year when many of us dust off our witches, ghosts, and goblins again to let them fly once again. I cannot believe that summer is again a recent memory!
Now that it has cooled o‘ a bit, it would be a great time to introduce someone new to model aviation, or better yet, put a youth on a buddy box or at least give someone some simulator time.
To see your club in the magazine, send me a short write-up of your club’s event, via email at with the word “magazine” in the subject line. Please be se sure to attach a few high-quality digital pictures!
Please make time to take a youth flying or introduce someone new to model aviation!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI