John Midgorden, of the Kansas City Radio Control (KCRC) club, sent the following:
KCRC applied for and received money from the AMA’s Flying Site Improvement Grant program in May 2021. The club’s application was for the reimbursement of the cost of materials used in constructing a new chain-link safety fence along the runway.

The fence was the recommendation of club member and Boy Scout Casey Reed, who was working on his Eagle Scout badge. Casey and members of his troop, along with his family and KCRC members, installed the fence over a weekend in October 2020. In addition, club member Stan Harrington has rebuilt most of the startup stands in the pit area, and the field improvement program paid for the materials.
KCRC is grateful for the AMA Flying Site Improvement Grant, and we now have a safer and better facility at which to enjoy our hobby.
Peter Fales submmited the following:

On Saturday, May 22, 2021, the Prop Masters R/C Aero Club in Naperville, Illinois, hosted members of the Boy Scouts of America Crew 505 (chartered by the Knox Presbyterian Church) for an introduction to flying. The weather was great, and our two instructors, Mick Pfeifer and Tom Camp, were kept busy giving each of the five Scouts several sessions on a buddy box. They were assisted by Ray Luchetti and Peter Fales.
A great time was had by all. A “Crew” is similar to a Scout Troop, except that it’s limited to Scouts who are 14 and older, and can have both boys and girls (as in the case of Crew 505).
Jeff Thomas sent me the following:
The Indianapolis RC Modelers Club in Morristown, Indiana, held its first event of 2021. With little to no wind on Saturday, June 12, we held our “Cub and Floaty Things” fly-in event. Although the temperature was in the low 90s all day, we had a great event, with 26 registered pilots and nearly as many nonflying guests.
We had great fun flying. No airplanes were damaged and there were no crashes. Amateurs and experts alike had a great time, and there were many types of aircraft.

Prizes were provided by SPAX Hardware. Hamburger lunches came from a local restaurant for those who purchased a lunch ticket. Lots of drinks were sold!
Our next events are August 21 (United States Marine Corps Toys for Tots Benefit Fly-In) and September 25 (All-Electric Fly-In and Fun-Fly). We invite AMA members to come and join us and enjoy a safe and fun time at one of our events.
Summer is almost over. Where does the time go? If you want to see your club in the magazine, simply send me a short write-up of your club’s event, similar to what I have shared, and email me at with the word “magazine” in the subject line. Be sure to attach a few high-quality digital pictures!
Please make time to take a young person flying and/or introduce someone new to model aviation!
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI