For many of us here in the Midwest, daylight saving time symbolizes the start of the flying season. With that said, as I write this, flying season is only a couple of weeks away. I wish I could say I was ready.
I hope by now that your batteries have been cycled, your thumbs are limbered up, and you are making it regularly to your club field to get a lot of stick time in with your favorite airplanes.
It’s my pleasure to introduce and welcome a couple of new volunteers to our district team. First is Associate Vice President (AVP) Leo Rodriguez. Leo recently relocated from District III where he served as an AVP for District III, to South Bend, Indiana. He has a long history in model aviation, and works in the full-scale aviation industry.
Next is Steve Ort. Steve has volunteered as the District VI Contest Coordinator for RC and Control Line. Steve has taken over for Mitch Baker.
If you see either of these men at the field or an event, please take a moment to introduce yourself to them and thank them for the work they are doing for the district. I would like to also thank Mitch who served as our district contest coordinator throughout the past few years.
On a cold weekend in February, I can’t think of a better place to be than E-Fest. It is one of the largest indoor flying events in the US. It is held at a facility called the Armory, part of the University of Illinois, in Urbana-Champaign. Hobbico hosts this event and Frank Noll serves as its contest director. While there, I enjoyed visiting with a lot of District VI members, helping with the simulators at the Hobbico drone flight school, and generally had a great time. Enjoy the photos.