By Matthew Nash – Sequim Gazette
After a year layover, RC airplanes are flying, gliding and soaring back into Sequim this weekend for the second Radio Control Show and Fun Fly.
Organizers with the Sequim RC Aeronauts and the Olympic Radio Controlled Modelers of Port Angeles follow what they saw as a successful event in September 2010 with more planes and gliders of all makes and sizes.
“You’ll see beginners to experts doing skilled flying or pattern flying to 3-D to hovering to flat spins,” Randy Hurlbut, co-organizer of the event, said.
“It’s a real wow factor!”
In 2010, the event brought in more than 50 pilots with many flying unique planes like lawnmower models.
Pilot entry fees, $5 each, and donations earned nearly $1,900 for Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County.
Proceeds again benefit the agency this year. Participating pilots must show a current Academy of Model Aeronautics card before flying.
The show continues to offer the razzle-dazzle along with the history and refinement of model making from club members.
Fred Landman of Sequim uses pre-World War II blueprints to design his airplanes. Due to their make-up, the planes are limited in fuel and fly for 35-45 seconds.
“I like to call them the dart,” he joked. “They go up and come straight back down.”
You can read the complete article HERE. For more information on the clubs, please visit their Web sites:
Sequim RC Aeronauts, AMA chartered club 1766,
Olympic R/C Modelers, AMA chartered club 2071,