We mailed club charter renewals, along with the 2014 Safety Code Poster, roughly a month ago and are busy processing the ones we have received so far. The current club charter does not expire until March 31. However, submitting the renewal forms as early as possible allows us to process club charters in a timely manner.
Here are a few tips how to avoid delays in processing of your charter:
- Sign the officer sheet and return both pages even if there are no changes.
- Make sure all club officers are current AMA members.
- Be sure your Safety Coordinator has a valid email address listed.
- Include correct amount of payment via check, money order, or credit card. AMA accepts MasterCard, Visa, and Discover.
If you are paying by credit card, you can either fax the renewal to (765) 286-3303, or email it in order to expedite the process.
Although not required, we highly recommend that the club officer you designate as the contact person has a valid email address on file.
Can’t find the renewal forms or perhaps you never received the original renewal package? Simply contact us at your earliest convenience so that we can take the necessary steps to assist you. Because we are currently experiencing a high volume of telephone calls, a brief email would be a better way of reaching us.
We hope you will have a successful flying season!
Can the forms be attached in an email to renew charter for club #1697? I am the new treasurer and am trying to complete the 2014 charter. Thank you