Kings Bay Modelers invites everyone to join us at Oakwell RC Airfield on Saturday, May 25 to experience all kinds of Radio Controlled aircraft up close and performing in the air. There will be powered planes, large and small; sailplanes, helicopters, and quad-rotor hovercraft. Flying will be from 9:00 AM until 2:00PM. Demonstrations planned to begin at 11:00 A.M include; Full scale ultralight demonstration and display, Aerobatic 3D flying, aerobatic helicopter flight, a quad rotor flight, an RC Glider tow, an RC skydiver, and a candy drop for the kids from an RC plane. One of our members is planning to offer introductory flights.
For more information visit the club’s webste:

The field is located at the intersection of Clark’s Bluff and Oakwell Roads.
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Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and soft drinks will be available.
For more information visit the club’s webste: