Posted by the Charleston Gazette, September 27, 2012 by Megan Workman
On Oct. 6, the Flying Hillbillies Flying RC Club will hold a fundraiser at the airfield to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project.
Spencer, president of the club, and about 40 other members of the radio-controlled model airplane club in Putnam County will show off their flying skills during the group’s air show.
Proceeds from the show and sponsors will benefit the Wounded Warrior Project. The organization provides tangible, practical support for wounded troops who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
At least three aircraft will be flying in the sky at one time during the show, which is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Flying Hillbillies’ airfield. The airfield is two miles south of Winfield High School on W.Va. 817 and the entrance is five miles north of the St. Albans exit off Interstate 64.
Although not all the Flying Hillbillies’ 75 members can make the show, Spencer expects the entertainment to be sky-high.
Computer flight simulators that give a realistic sense of flying will be set up so guests at the air show can practice before taking control of a model aircraft.
Read the full article here.

A member of the Flying Hillbillies club flies a radio-controlled plane at the club’s Putnam County airfield. On Oct. 6, the club will hold a fundraiser at the airfield to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project.